The Reunion Part 1

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Hi guys. this is my first story so don't kill me. so heres the first chapter

hope you enjoy.


???? PoV

*pant* *pant* *pant* 'how long I have been running away from that monster' I asked myself
'I think i finnaly lost him' but just to be safe I ran into an ally way. I looked down to see my clothes torn and dirty and started to summoned virgo "Open gate of the maiden, vir-" I was interupted by a scream.
I ran to that scream, its owner was a little girl I think was 6 or 7, 'oh who cares I got to help her'
I ran in front of her "Open gate of the ram, Aries" I summoned, there was a bright flash and she appread. "What can I do for you, gomen (means sorry). "Get the little girl away form here, I have a score to settle with this ugly ape, monster." But all I did was scream and run. 'So powerful yet so weak' I though "HELP ME"

I have been running for over half an hour when I stumbled upon a guild 'hope they can help me' to busy to read the name I opened the large doors and fell face-first 'ouchhh that hurt' all I remember was someone asking who I was, then everything blacked out.


Sooo, how was that.
U wouldn't believe it, I logged out and when i logged in the story was deleted.
But then i logged out then in it worked.
Its short i will make it bigger next chapter.

Next chapter: reunion part 2



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