no one here but me

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When my niece was really young, she was in a bouncer at my sisters house, I was house and babysitting.

I had left her to go to the kitchen to grab some water. My sisters chocolate labs were probably sniffing and licking her head because I could hear her giggling like she was having a blast. I hadn't notice how cold it had gotten. Then I heard it. A loud wooden SNAP. Like a thick piece of wood had been snapped in half suddenly or a tree was knocked over.

I ran into the room and what I saw and smelled freaked me out. The dogs were huddled in the corner whimpering, my niece was just staring at the ceiling corner with wide eyes, and it was cold and smelled like Stetson.

I took her and we decided to go to a different room. When my sister finally came home, I told her what happened. She just rolled her eyes and said "that is Hugh." I was confused. She said Hugh was the previous owner of the house who had died ten years before his wife sold it. She said he likes to follow my niece around and you can tell it his him because the dogs freak, it gets cold and smells like cheap cologne.

I don't believe in that shit, but I do believe that feeling you get in your gut when something doesn't feel right.

And I was right. I was terrified
It wasn't hugh it was much sinister then a spirit.
One night when my sister was out I was in the house alone and then I hear a knock on the door. I shit myself but then realised it's my friend jack to keep me company. We was sat playing video games on the TV downstairs when we suddenly hear a Loud bang from my bedroom. So we go up and investigate
I grab a knife from the desk draw and Jack had his Swiss army knife so we was set.

We walk into my room and my bed is upside down but it looks like nothing has been touched it was just rotated. And then the window opens and the door shuts. And a huge gust of wind hits us and then silence. The door flys open and we just stand there scared to move. Until my friend feels a tight grasp on his leg. He runs out the room and straight out my house door and I'm still stood there scared to do anything. I felt the odd touch of cold hands allover my body until my sister gets home and asks me what's happend I tell her everything.

Next thing I know I'm on a flight to Australia and living in a new house.
I'm now 24 and I have my own house in Los Angeles but I'll never forget that house or Street. 21st ave

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2018 ⏰

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