The Girl who cried Ghost

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              Renee is special. She's unique. Ren can see the dead. Nothing like the zombies or vampires, no, she see's spirits, or 'wandering souls' as she calls them. The souls of those who have passed and are trapped on Earth, because they have something to fulfill or are cursed. Ren never got mixed up with them, only occasionally helping them, never getting mixed up with the wrong soul.

             Ren's father needs to get better business, so taking his daughter and her older brother Jake out to a new and strange world leads to something quite fascinating. Scotland.

             There, in an abandoned hotel that her father bought next to an old but beautiful, crumbling castle, she meets someone. Someone dead. Deadly handsome.

             Ian McKenzie has been dead and wandering the world for almost 200 years. And now he has finally found someone who can see him.

             While feelings blossom between them, Ren knows nothing will be the same again. A human and a ghost. Can such a thing exist? Find out in the Wattpad novel, "The Girl who cried Ghost".

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