Fallen Down

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INFO!!! Your name is Jessica and you absolutely LOVE the game Undertale. You used to live in a place where there were no mountains around but now you've moved near one huge mountain. It's called Mt. BlueSwift. One day you're school takes you on a field trip to hike up the mountain. They take you and your classmates to the top of the mountain. As you make you're way back down they stop to show a hole in the ground that no body dares to explore. This is where our story begins.

~Jessica's POV (Jess, You)~

"So why doesn't anyone explore this place?" I ask puzzled. It's not even that far of a fall. And look! There's a flower patch. What are they afraid of?

"There's a story that was told a long time ago that someone tried exploring it but he never returned. Then a few days later they saw blood marks across the ground as if a bloody body had been dragged across the room- err cave. Whatever you wanna call it." The leader explains.

"Wow. That's spoopy." I explain. The leader giggles at me saying spoopy. I sneak over to he hole and get a better look over the edge. As I turn to catch back up with the group I see Clark standing behind me.

"You think you're so cool. Let's see you get back from this!" She gives me an evil smirk and pushes me back causing my to fall down into the hole.

"UGH"... the last sound to exit my mouth before black. Suddenly, I hear... a... a song? This sounds like... the songs from Undertale... what's going on here? I open my eyes, sit up and look around. Suddenly I hear loud voices echoing through the cave. I look up to see people looking down at me with worried expressions printed on their faces.

"HOW'D YOU FALL DOWN THERE?! ITS BLOCKED OFF!" The leader yells. I look down and put my hand on my head because I hit it when I fell.

"I-I got pushed down!" I yell back. He looks behind him at the students.

"By who?!" The principal yells down.

"C-Clark did, sir." I yell back. He looks at her with a death glare. He's told me before that I'm his favorite student because I'm so happy and friendly.

"There's no way to get you out of there! It's too far down!" The leader yells.

"I-I think I know where I am." I say just loud enough for them to hear. "I-I know the way out!" I yell to them.

"There is no way out!" The leader yells back. Just from hearing this music I know where I am.

"Yes there is! I promise! It... It may take a few days though..." I yell to them. I stand up turn to them and wave farewell. "I'll see you guys soon!" I say optimistically. I turn to the hallway knowing who I'm about to meet and knowing what I must do. I walk into the next room seeing the little Devil flower. Flowey. Before he can say anything I speak first. "Hey, Flowey!" I say with a smile.

"Wha...? How do you know who I am?! You fell down here like an hour ago!" Flowey explains with a hint of confusion and anger.

"I guess life's a game, huh?" I ask with a lot of sass.

"Somethings going on here." He says suspiciously.

"Eh... can you show me how it works around here? I'm new." I explain. His face lights up and I already know where this is going. But I do need to know how this works.

"Golly! You must be so confused! Here! Let me show you how things work here in the underground!" Suddenly I feel my body go numb and a 2d heart shows in front of me inside a white square. I see Flowey above the box.

"Skip through the whole LOVE explanation because I already know it means Level Of Violence or whatever." I inform him. He gives me a nasty look.

"You wanna be my friend don't you? I'm so lonely down here all my myself!" He explains. "Down here, friendship is shared with little... White... Friendliness... Pellets... Yeah! Friendliness Pellets, that's right!" He smiles. I semi-circle formed out of five 'friendliness pellets' shows above my soul. "Here! Collect as many as you can!" He smiles. The bullets near my soul and I dodge them quickly. "Hey! Ya missed them! Here... let's try again, shall we?" He gets a nervous look on his face and five more bullets near my soul. I dodge once again. "You know what's going on here, don't you?" He asks with an extremely angry tone. Suddenly, my soul is completely surrounded by bullets. No escaping this now. "DIE." Flowey says demonically and his psycho laugh sounds loudly through the tunnels. The bullets near my soul. I'm doomed. I shoulda stayed there and waited for Toriel. Then outta nowhere a fireball flies out of the long tunnel behind Flowey, knocking him unconscious. My body flashes back to me and I run over to the unconscious flower. I ever so gently lift his head to look at me. He won't be waking up anytime soon. Poor guy. He's always been my favorite. Along with Sans. I LOVE Sans. He's so funny! I-I'm getting sidetracked. I hug the sleeping flower tightly.

"We'll meet again soon." I say quietly. Then I lay the flower down to rest and look up at Toriel who's towering above me in her royal robe.

"Hello, my child! My name is Toriel. Caretaker of the Ruins!" She exclaims with a happy tone. "I pass through this place every day to see if anyone has fallen down. It's been years since anyone has visited!" She giggles.

"TORIEL!" I say excitedly and run in to give her a tight hug. She giggles again and wraps her warm furry arms around me.

"Come, my child. Let me show you around this place I call the Ruins." She says. She breaks the hug as she takes my tiny hand in her big furry palm and walks me to the next room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2016 ⏰

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