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Becca sighed, staring at her reflection in the already dirty mirror of the cabin she would be living in for the next seven weeks. She had just finished moving in, and she had no idea what she wanted to wear. She had swept her long, curly brown hair into a ponytail, and was standing there in just the maroon polo all counselors wore on Sunday's, and a pair bathing suit bottoms. She decided on athletic shorts, as she'd probably be getting in the pond at some point today anyways. She heard the bell calling all counselors to the mess hall just as she was slipping on her sneakers. She slipped her cellphone into her drawstring backpack, and turned the light off in her cabin before heading up.
She had been coming to Camp Dazen since she was 11. It was where she met her best friend, had her first slow dance (and her first kiss), and where she had met her now ex-boyfriend, Andrew. Camp was home to her, and getting to come back and work there was a dream come true.
"Becca!" Her friend Rylee shouted, running towards the brunette and jumping into her arms. "I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too, Rylee," Becca laughed, hugging the blonde girl. Rylee was a few years older than Becca, and this was her third summer on staff.
"C'mon we're gonna be late to meeting," Rylee said, looping arms with the younger girl. The two made their way into the mess hall and found seats in the circle just as everyone else trickled in. She recognized people from years passed, her best friend, Nicole, and the boy she shared her awkward first kiss with, George. She smiled and chatted with people she knew as they passed, while she waiting for meeting to get started. Her eyes scanned the circle for more familiar faces, when her eyes landed on the one person she didn't want to see, Andrew. He was chatting up the girl sitting next to him, Catherine, and he didn't notice her. Her eyes continued around the circle, to a particularly rowdy group of boys she didn't recognize. She raised her eyebrow at Nicole, who had taken a seat next to her. Nicole just shrugged. All four of them were gorgeous, but she felt herself drawn to the blonde one, with a lifeguards whistle matching her own looped around his neck. He was gorgeous, with striking blue eyes, and a piece of metal peeking out of his bottom lip. She bit back a laugh when she realized he was wearing black skinny jeans with his polo. She felt a blush rise in her cheeks when he met her gaze, and winked.
During meeting she did all she could do avoid meeting his gaze, doodling on her clipboard, and watching Amanda, the camp director, while she talked.
"I'd like to introduce you all to our internationals this year. This is Luke," she motioned to the blonde boy who stood up and did a little wave. "He'll be working at the waterfront. This is Calum," she said, and the boy sitting next to him stood. His complexion was darker than the other three boys, and his hair was dark and curly. "He will also be working at the waterfront." As Calum sat down, Amanda introduced Michael, a pale boy with a shock of blue hair, who was gonna be teach music and movie making. The last of the four was a boy named Ashton with honey colored hair and a perpetual smile on his face. He was teaching sports and soccer.  Amanda wrapped up the rest of her announcements, before handing the microphone to Elizabeth, the program director.
"Our waterfront team this season will be, Becca, Luke, Russell, Calum, and Kate," she said to the group, passing around everyone's schedules. Becca grinned, looking forward to an entire summer spent on the pond, especially with the cute boys from Australia. She glanced down at the schedule, looking for her name. She was teaching swimming 1 with Luke; swimming 2 with Luke, Calum and Russel; and canoeing 4 with Luke and Kate.
"You all are dismissed, kids will arriving in 3 hours. Get some lunch, and get ready. Becca and Luke, you two are doing swimming tests this week." She got up quickly, and headed right to the staff fridge in the kitchen.
"Becca, right?" A deep, accented, male voice asked. She turned around, and had to actually tilt her head up slightly to look into face of her new co-worker, Luke. She smiled at him.
"Yeah, and you're Luke, right?" He nodded, and his gaze made her cheeks heat up. She turned around quickly, looking in the fridge for something to eat.
"I'm looking forward to working with you," he said casually, hopping up onto one of the metal counters in the room, an apple in hand.
"Me too," she said, regaining her composure. "Well, uh, I'll see you on the pond in a little bit," she closed the fridge without getting anything out of it, the blush still fading from her cheeks. She avoided his gaze as she walked quickly from the kitchen.
He smirked, watching as she walked out of the kitchen. It was gonna be one hell of a summer.

A/N: hello friends! I started writing this at 2:00 am because I miss camp, and I literally love summer camp au's.
Chapters will probably be longer in the future/definitely mature as the plot progresses, but I'm just getting my feet wet at this point. Let me know what you think :) xoxo mags

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2016 ⏰

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