You are the reason

431 19 17
  • Dedicated to Yasmine Ali



You are my angel,

You are my love.

You are the reason,

For me to go on.

You are the reason,

I wake up every day.

You are the reason,

My heart will always say,

Thank you God, for creating me,

And thank you for giving me

An angel to love me.

You are the reason;

my heart skips a beat every time I see you,

My soul wants to let you know,

I love you with all my heart,

And I won't let anything break us apart.

Someday I may lose my direction,

But I’ll never lose my passion

I may be lost in the when I’m alone,

But I will find my way back home,

Because baby you are the reason,

For me to go on.

You are the reason I smile through my tears,

I can promise u I’ll love you like this years after years.

You are the reason, the sun shines so bright

You are the reason, now I sleep so peacefully at night.

You are the reason baby,

I don’t feel so afraid to be me

And I need you to know,

If I ever change, my love will be the same for you

Cause baby you are the reason,

Every single day I live, every single moment I breathe.

You are the reason my heart can still beat,

Like two perfect puzzle pieces together we fit.

You are the reason every night I dream,

You are the reason this rock melts like ice-cream,

You are the reason, I find ray of hope in the darkness,

You are the reason, I’ve been abandoned my loneliness.

You are the reason, my hear smiles and says,

No matter what happens, my love will be the same for you always.

You are the reason, I learned what love really means,

Nobody is the loser, in love, it the heart who always wins.

You are my everything angel and I truly mean it when I say,

No matter what, I’ll always love you like this every single day.

Dedicated to the love of my life, Yasmine Ali. I just love you my angel <3

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