The Factory

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The night is cold, I can feel the chills run down my arms then hit my legs. It seems so quiet here. I look around me to see if I can see a familiar face. Not one face looks like the ones I am accustomed to. I can feel myself start to panic, my chest grows heavy and my eyes become wider. There is no way I could be lost. I grew up in this town, I know every road and shortcut. I walked to the nearest food joint that I always ate at as a kid. Sammy, the owner, waved at me. Seeing Sammy gave my body such a comforting feeling, I did not have such a panic anymore. But wait, something does not seem right about this place.

I decided that I should ask Sammy about what was going on. As I walk over it comes to my attention that the people in the diner are not talking. They are just sitting and eating. Normally the diner is buzzing with excitement, but today it is bland and dull. The people's faces are blank and they possess no emotion. They are all consuming their food in sync, it seems extremely unnatural.

I start becoming panicked again. As I began asking Sammy what was happening I notice him become uneasy, he started to speak jibberish. I started to walk backwards and grasp what he was trying to say, but nothing was clear. I needed some fresh air to regenerate the situation.

As I quickly walked out of the diner the people turned around and seemed to be watching my every move. Their eyes seemed transfixed on the scene in front of them. When I finally escaped to the outside of the small diner I noticed something highly unusual. A massive grey factory stands tall at the end of the street. I have never seen this before, so it must be new. But I would have remembered something like that.

I have always been a curious person, so it was not unexpected when I ventured over to the grey factory. As I walked over I had decided to take a look at the surrounding area. People are walking down the road, their behaviour was very similar to those of the people in the diner. They walk in sync down the sidewalk, and there is absolutely no talking from anyone. This is starting to worry me.

I finally arrive at the large factory. There are only a few windows and one set of metal doors. I arrive at the building, but decide to go to the right side where a large window is placed. When I got there I looked to my left, there was a dark alleyway with a couple of trashcans at the end of it. On the other side of the alleyway, behind me, there is a shoe shop with a closed sign hanging on to the window. I turn around and look to the window, beside it was a big red sign with black letters that said 'NO TRESSPASING'. I then turned my attention to what was on the other side of the window.

In the middle of the room that I was looking in, there was an assembly line of some sort. Unlike other factories that I had previously seen, this one had more advanced technology. There is a machine with many buttons on it, and another that was small and had little clusters of sharp looking metal hanging off of it. In the corner of the room was a big basket of clothing items in it.

As I continue looking at the scene in front of me I hear multiple rugged screams. I jump and look around me trying to find the victim of the awful sounding, throat scratching screams and whines. That was when I realised that the heart-wrenching scream was coming from inside the factory. I look around the factory in front of me trying to find the person to match the screams. I want to help them, I need to help them.

As I make my way towards the door I stop. This not a good idea. I keep looking in the window that is overviewing the factory. There are no people from what I can see. But, I know that they are there.

I was about to turn around and storm inside the building when I see people walk into the area that I am looking into. I freeze and stare intensely on what the are doing. They are dragging a body of a middle-aged man. At that moment I didn't know what to think. The man didn't seem to be struggling, in fact, he didn't even seem awake. The people then put him on the thing that resembled an assembly line.

At that moment a creature that was indescribable walked in. It was lanky, not much muscle on its frail figure. It had light purple eyes and a skin complexion that matched that of a worm. It walked in and my heart stopped momentarily, was this actually happening?

I was backing up, ready to run away from this place that I once called home, when I heard a loud crack. Oh no, I looked down quickly and noticed a broken piece of glass where my foot had once been. When I looked up to see If the people and it had noticed. I immediately screamed and fell back. There stood the people that had drug the man's body and pushed the buttons to the machine of death. They were just staring at me.

I rushed to my feet and shuffled down the alley. I heard a click, and I looked up to notice it was there. It stood four feet away, three feet away, two feet away. It then put a weird looking machine up to my head. I froze unable to process what was happening it front of me. It made a loud screech, I then yelled. Before the world went dark I heard a bang.

Then I woke up.

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