Chapter 1

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Welcome to my new story, Fourth of July! If you're new here, welcome! Thank you for reading, please follow, vote, and comment if you enjoy! If you're a regular here, please don't  worry- I will be keeping up Different Colors as well, except the chapters may be getting a little shorter. But I'm gonna do my best to keep both updating constantly, but this one may get more attention. ;) Thank you guys! Enjoy! xoxo, em)


"Tooru! Wake up!" whispered Iwaizumi, as he sat up in bed and leaned over to slightly jostle his boyfriend awake.

"Nooooo, please a few more minutes, Hajime. Pleeeeeaaaaaassssseeeeeee!" Oikawa turned over to face Iwaizumi, and gave a puppy dog eye look. Iwaizumi couldn't resist Oikawa's gentle little face, the way he looked in the morning, his big brown eyes... and he sighed.

"Yeah, whatever, Crappykawa." Oikawa gave a little laugh, he was used to Iwaizumi's rough edges, smart-ass comebacks, and razor-sharp personality. It was comforting to him at this point, and he drifted back to sleep.

Hajime stood up, and opened the curtains a little, to let a teeny bit of sunlight into the bedroom, but not enough to wake Oikawa up from his sleep. He stood directly in front of the window that overlooked a meadow, feeling gentle rays of sun on his face as he took off his shirt to start getting changed for the day. As the gentle beams of light danced on his arms and back, he heard a faint giggle. He turned his head around slowly, and saw Oikawa underneath a layer of blankets, staring at his bare torso. A slight blush rose to his cheeks, and Iwaizumi grabbed a shirt and threw it on. He walked up to Oikawa, who was trying to hide under the sheets. Hajime pulled the sheets back, and Oikawa laughed again.

"Sorry, Hajime!" He smiled. Iwaizumi narrowed his eyes at Oikawa, questioning how he puts up with him. But that didn't last long, as Oikawa's smile is contagious. Hajime bends down towards Oikawa, still with the blush in his cheeks, and grabs the collar of Tooru's shirt. He leans in very slowly, still feeling the nerves and butterflies that he felt when the two became boyfriends, just a couple of months ago. Oikawa's eyes were already closed, long eyelashes covering his cheeks. Slowly, Hajime pressed his lips on Tooru's. They kissed for a moment, then Hajime pulled away.

"Tooru, your breath stinks. Brush your teeth. Take a shower while you're at it, too." This time, Oikawa squinted at Iwaizumi. Iwazumi shrugged and threw a towel at Tooru, which hit him square in the face. Oikawa stood up, an expression of annoyance on his face with the towel in his arms and walked into the bathroom, as Hajime doubled over with laughter.

After 15 minutes, Oikawa walked out of the bathroom and into his room to get dressed. Hajime was there, sitting on his phone. He looked up to meet eyes with the clean Oikawa, rolled his eyes, and handed him a pile of neatly folded clothes. Oikawa took them , smiled, and walked back into the bathroom. He emerged wearing a pair of brown skinny jeans and a forest green t-shirt with a picture of an alien on it.

"Good morning, Iwa-chan!" chirped Oikawa, as he walked out of the bathroom. His hair was still wet.

"Morning, Tooru." said Iwaizumi with his normal unexpressive voice.

"What do you want to do today?"

"I don't know. Why do something today?"

"Because it's the first day of summer break, Iwa-chan!"

"Oh, that's right. It honestly just feels like a weekend to me."

"But it isn't, Iwa-chan! Let's go out and do something. Something really interesting, that we haven't done before."

"Okay. What did you have in mind, Shittykawa?"

"Nothing too elaborate. I was thinking about going on a hike, or walking around a new part of town." Iwaizumi shrugged.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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