Dirty Jobs & Doctor Who

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Mikey's POV

I woke up to the sound of my boyfriend's soft breathing. Ray looked so cute when he was sleeping so I decided not to wake him...Yet he he he. I sprung out of bed and slid down the banister to the kitchen when I noticed I was only wearing my unicorn boxers that I had slept in. Oh well.

I walked into the kitchen and I ran straight to the coffee maker to make coffee. Frank and Ray constantly nagged Gerard and I for being 'obsessed' with coffee and neither Gerard nor I denied it. My thoughts were interrupted by the coffee maker letting out a shrill beep alerting me that it was ready. I poured the coffee into my unicorn mug and I poured some into a music mug for Ray.

I needed a plan; a plan on how to wake Ray up in the most devious way possible. Thinking of ways to wake up Ray was going to be hard to say the very least, so I went to the TV for inspiration. The first thing I saw when I turned on the TV was Mike Rowe's "Dirty Jobs" I sipped my coffe and I almost did a spit-take as I saw what episode it was. It was the jelly bean making episode. My lips curled into a smile as I came up with my plan.

The plan was simple. All I had to do was melt the jelly beans into Ray's coffee cup, and then add the coffee. Then I take the cup to my unsespecting boyfriend and watch as he drinks the concotion. Now all that was left was to decide on what flavor jelly beans to put in the bottom of Ray's cup.

I had settled on tabasco flavored jelly beans (A/N: they do exist I checked) and I melted them into the bottom of the mug and I added more tabasco sauce for good measure as I poured the coffee in to complete the concoction.

I walked slowly up the stairs to Ray and I's bedroom both mine and his coffee cups in hand as to not look suspicious. I walked into our bedroom to see Ray still fast asleep and snoring with his nose scrunched up slightly. "Now to ruin it all" I thought as I snickered to myself.

I gently shook Ray awake as he grumbled "Let me sleep unicorn boy it's too early to get up."

"Babe, its almost noon, I think it's time you get up. Plus I have coffee for you." I replied whispering the last sentence in his ear.

I watched as his fro bounced when he instantly sat up at the mention of the dark liquid.

"You have coffee for me? Give it here!" my boyfriend demanded.

"Okay okay. And you get on to me." I snickered. It's your funeral. I thought.

He slowly sipped the coffee as his eyes grew wide and I moved out of the way as he did a spit take and yelled "What the hell is in this coffee Mikey!?".

"Just a little tabasco sauce and melted tabasco jelly beans." I said as if it were nothing at all.

"Why babe?" He asked me with his best puppy dog face.

"Because I was lonely and I wanted you to watch TV with me..." I trailed off nonchalantly.

"Oh okay babe but next time wake me up like a normal person okay?" he laughed

"I will, now lets go!" I screeched as I ran out of the room and slid down the banister. Ray followed behind me chuckling softly. We sat down on the couch together as I grabbed the remote and turned the TV back on. When I turned it on I noticed it was still on "Dirty Jobs"

"Haha Ray this is the show I got the idea for waking you up from!" I stated sticking my tongue out at Ray. "So what do you you wanna watch?" I questioned. He stared at me as if it was the most obvious choice in the world.

"DUH DOCTOR WHO!!!" he yelled excitedly, bouncing off the walls like a sugar high 6 year old. His fro was bouncing everywhere as he did so.

"But I've never seen Doctor Who before...." I trailed off as I chuckled nervously.

"Never seen Doctor Who!-- Mikey--What!? Go to Netflix." He said as he gave me one of those "If looks could kill" looks. I'm pretty sure I should be six feet under right now.

"Bu--" he cut me off, "Netflix. NOW."

"Okay okay, I'm going I'm going." I said as I put my hands up defensively and changed it to Netflix on the TV.

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAY" Ray screamed enthusiastically and then he kissed me softly saying "Thank you Mikey." and he made a heart with his hands. Ray grabbed the remote and chose a season and an episode. He chose season 5 episode 1 of the modern series.

XXXXXXX 9 episodes later XXXXXXX

"IT'S SO SAAAAAAAAD!!!" I wailed.

"I KNOW BUT IT'S SO AWESOME!" Ray yelled after me.

"But Rory is dead..." I trailed off and sniffled, "Even worse Amy doesn't even remeber who the love of her life is....But the Doctor saves Rory somehow right? I don't know what I'd do if that happened to you, Ray."

"You'll see, you wouldn't want any spoilers would you? Now lets keep watching." Ray whispered in my ear.

"Okay but first--" and it ended there because I was too busy smashing my lips to his. He seemed tense at first but soon relaxed into the kiss. He licked my lips asking for entrance and I denied him it me being the fucking tease that I am. I smirked at my own thoughts giving him the chance to shove his tongue in my mouth and he gladly took the oppurtunity.

I pushed him back onto the couch, deepening the kiss becominng passionate and hungry. Just as he tried to battle for dominance I pulled back.

"Now how about that next episode?" I smirked as I watched him pout and turn on the next episode.

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