Chpt. 1 A Skele-Ton of trouble

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A/N-- The Art above belongs to animalice on just to let you guys know ^_^ well anyways.. lets get started shall we? heh...

It has been a day since i have fell down to the underground, i met a flower.. it was odd because it was the first monster i met down here.. It was in the middle of a lifeless flower bed. it had yellow petals and was bouncing side to side unimusingly.

"Howdy.. i'm Flowey the flower.. you shouldn't be here..." The flower said as it was shaking a bit in what it looked like fear or going insane.

"um.. what do you mean by that?" I say as i tilt my head in confusment.

"In this world, it kill or be killed.. every monster is too lustful and will try to get to you by force or even kill you.. I-i just can't take this anymore.. having to do the same thing every.. single.. reset.. i feel myself getting weaker and weaker by the minute and i just want to see how it is in the human world for once, instead of this lifeless flower bed and this empty room.." Flowey says with a shaky voice as his eyes begin to tear up.

I felt bad for him and i just couldn't leave him like this, it just wouldn't be right. besides, i would have someone by my side who knew the ways and rules of this place.

"well.. you can always come with me, you can help me get through this place, and for your reward you can come with me back to the human world and you will be happy again!" I say with a slight smile on my face.

"really?... you would really do that for me?" he says to you and you see his eyes light up in excitement.

"yah! of course, and besides it's a win for both of us. you're helping me know how to get through the underground and you get to see the human world!" i say to him as his bouncing side to side begins to increase in happiness.

"Yipee!" Flowey said as he slid onto your arm and rested on you shoulder

Flowey and i then started moving again and explored a bit more. i then saw a tall goat figure with a dress on. i squinted my eyes at the figure and started walking a bit closer to the figure. you got close enough for the figure to notice me and it started walking towards me, by then you can tell that it was a female and what it looked like a goat. Flowey shivered in fear and went into your sweater to hide. by now, i was standing right in front of her look up into her red pupil and yellow eyes.

"Why hello my child, are you lost?" the goat said with a friendly smile on her face.

when Flowey went into my shirt in fear i was wondering why he did she did seem so bad and mean "uh.. yes? kind of.." i say to her as i look around the room.

"follow me and i'll lead you through so you can come to my house!" she said while gabbing my hand.

i nodded my head yes and let her lead me through the ruins.

After a while of the goat women leading me through the ruins and giving me some puzzles to get through, we stopped at a big room that had and bench in the middle of the room with torches all around the room.

"well my child, i must go do some things stay here and don't go anywhere, it is very dangerous! i will come back for you once i am done" she's says and she starts to walk away, but she stop and turns around and says "by the way my name is toriel nice to meet you my child. here, takes this, it has my number in it so you can call me. goodbye!" she gives me the phone and waves goodbye as she enters into a different room.

A while later as i'm sitting on the bench my phone starts to ring and i jump a bit and answer it. "hello?" you say quietly.

"hello my child it's me, toriel. if you think your going to be getting out of the ruins you should think again. now, what do you think would hurt more.. a katana or.. butcher knife?" she says with a with a dark tone.

i gasp and hang up the phone and look at Flowey looking back at me both of us with a terrified expression on our faces. i then stuff Flowey into my sweater and start to run into the next room and then the next until we reached a big two sided door.

"this is the way out of the ruins! quickly before toriel gets to us and kills you!" Flowey said impatiently and worried while looking behind us.

I then open one part of the door and slides out then shuts quickly and puts a nearby strong stick and puts it in between the two handles of the door.

I slide down against the wall then Flowey and i sigh in relief while gasping for air. after a few more minutes we finally catch our breath and i stand up looking around to see a snowy forest in front of me. i decided to start walking down the snowy path that i saw.

"u-umm.. i don't like the feeling of this.. i feel as if wwe are being watched.." Flowey says nervously while looking around cautiously.

i could feel it in my gut too.. and it did not feel very good "nah, it's fine" i said as i started to increase the pace of my walking.

a while later of feeling watched, i heard a crack, like some type of branch breaking.. i jumped a bit and turned around quickly. there was nothing. i look down only to see a branch that was broken in half only a few feet away from me.

"what was that.. i don't like this one bit.." Flowey says paranoid.

"to be honest, i have NO idea..." i say to flowey in a shaky voice.

i then turn back around and start walking faster and look around but with more caution. my hands start to feel shaky and you feel you gut twisting in nervousness. you then here a deep, anonymous, and male voice..

"Don't you know how to greet a new pal?~ c'mon turn around and shake my hand~...." the deep anonymous voice said

i then freeze in fear and it feels like your heart stopped. you can feel that goosebumps go up your back and Flowey hiding in you sweater shaking frantically.

A/N-- Welp.. i hope that you enjoyed my first ever writing.. should i continue my book? let me know in the comments ^_^ Any whoo.. let me know also if you want me to make a undertale lemon book too! Anyways.. Have a wonderful day/night my sanspais :3 buh baiiiii~

(1183 Words)

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