Just Saying

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The first thing you should know is that shit just happens and i liked to think it happens for a reason. Maybe We don't know why things go as they do, but all we can do is hope for the best. Because if you only think about the bad times, i dont think you get far in life, not only do some people do the most inhuman things but people crush others just to get to the top. The top of what you ask, well in the world we live in, today there's always someone killing someone else or someone making threats about another country. But saddly it starts as when we're in our early stages, as we grow up in the towns we were rised in and the schools where we were tought in. I know its hard to believe but just being kind to another or saying "Are you ok" once in awhile, will help change our world. As you people say the "children is our fortune" so, since our minds are still developing we soke up everything you adults do. But for now you better be good cause we looking up to you, for all our answers.

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