The Island

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There is a tale, which has been spread fast. They say that there is a place.... no, an island for punishment. It is located on an island. People mysteriously disappear from normal places and are said to have been teleported to this island. Nobody knows whose control this island is under.

Keyll sighed. His friend had ended up disappearing.

It was a few days ago. Could he have ended up on that island? There were rumors about the island being a place of no return. Keyll remembered his friend's name, Harvey.

He remembered the fond memories he had of them.

" Papers please ", said the instructor, which quickly brought him back to test.

Keyll submitted his test. He was depressed. He had no one to chat with.

While on  his way back, he overheard two teenagers gossiping,

" Hey! Have you heard of the Island of No return ? "

" Yeah.... ", the other guy looked like he was troubled with some other matters.

" Apparently, you can go to that place using a special metho- ", he was interrupted.

" Piss off ! " The other guy walked away.

Keyll's eyes widened. He went and had a chat with the teenager about the method of going to the island. He said that it was a ritual.

" You require a sheet of paper, an inscription pattern, the name of the island- No return, your blood, and you have to kill any one creature before the ritual, which is to be held at 12:00 PM "

Keyll glanced at his watch, it read 11:45 PM. He then asked," Kill a creature ? "

" Yeah.... You have to be a sinner to get to the island. ", the teenager informed him, he then told," Preferably a human.... "

The next following day, on the television, the news reporter was speaking," there was a teenager who was brutally stabbed and murdered, with what seems to be a knife. 33 times in the areas of the face, chest, hands, and legs. The murderer was completely vicious in this attack. There was also a message written on the floor of the crime scene, which read ' NO RETURN '. The police are still trying to find out who the culprit was."

On the previous night,

Keyll started the ritual, as it was to be started at 12:00 PM. He made the inscription pattern and did everything according to the deceased teenager's instructions. After everything was done, he cut his finger and let the blood drip and fall down in the centre of the pattern, it started glowing. Keyll stood in the middle and waited for a bit, when everything began to look blurry. He shouted out," No return ! ", and then Keyll disappeared.

Keyll opened his eyes a while later, and tried to focus his eyes. Then, he realized that he was in a new place. Hmmmm.... looks like the ritual was not fake after all ! He was in a desert kind of  area with a deficiency of sand. The trees were dried up, and were placed in such a manner that was surrounding the island. He walked up towards the direction he saw fit, which was - forward.

He walked for 30 minutes and finally, saw a box kind of structure which was quite tall. he climbed the ladder placed on it. He noticed there were many boxes around the box - structure. Keyll heard a sound come from behind him, and began to run. He ran and ran forward and fell down a hole. He immediately lost consciousness.

When he regained consciousness, he looked forward. He saw three cells which resembled lockers. The room in which he was present was not surrounded by four walls. Instead it had a long passageway, which looked like it pointed to the exit, beside the three cells.

One must know that this place was filthy and dirty, to the point that it was green because of moss, and there was feces lying everywhere.

He heard a voice emerge from one of the cells, he recognized this voice, it was his friend.

" Hey anybody, where am I ? Somebody, Please help me!! "

" Harvey, is that you? "

" Keyll ? "

" Yeah..... i'm coming to get you out."

" No... please don't, I have a bad feeling about it. Just save yourself, please....."

" Enough. " Harvey remained silent, after Keyll muttered these words.

Keyll opened one of the cells in which Harvey was present. All of them opened.

In the first cell, there was a grandpa.

In the second cell, there emerged a disgusting and horrendous creature, who was eight feet tall, and had his face covered by his hair. His mouth was exceptionally large, to the point, it was no longer human. He was very pale in colour. He was holding a club in his hand and wore a long white coloured frock like dress, which was dirtied by blood.

Keyll was horrified, and turned around and vomited. This place was horrible. Suddenly, a voice said," Keyll, you can take your friend or the grandfather, with the monster following you. You will only get two minutes to pass through the passage. If you fail to do it, your blood will be splattered on the club that the monster is holding right now-"

Keyll turned white in colour.

" YOU CANNOT RUN ", the voice followed.

His friend said," Don't worry about me Keyll, choose the grandpa. ", Keyll nodded, and opted for the grandpa.

They began walking, with the monster two steps away from them. Keyll was continuously slowed down due to the grandpa. They were slowly approaching the end, when he heard," Tick... Tick... 30 seconds left... "

Keyll was terrified. He was going to die at this rate. Keyll started running and the monster also began to run after him. He ran and ran until he he almost reached the end, the monster was only one step away. He rolled and made it outside. He was scared half to death.

But, the monster stopped pursuing him. He gave a hideous grin, and turned around and closed the door.

Keyll felt an intense pain all over his body and lifted his hand up. He saw bones, he realized he was decomposing. He began to lose consciousness when he heard," You lost because you did not follow the rules ", after this followed two screams and the sound of blood splattering across the floor. He knew his friend and the grandpa had died. Keyll opened his eyes once again only to see the monster looking at his face closely and grinning.


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