Santan the Cheerio lord

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i waz sittin ther eeting cheerios agan, but then i saw a face at da front dor.

it be Peeb.

"omg. Y R U BAK HEER!?" i yel.

"i wont cheerios." he tel me liek dat waz an ok thing.

"fuk no." i sey.

"das meen. Ur meen." pbg walk to da longe room.


"u gav dat to me, liyer." he smerk.

"Y. R. U. HEER." i tel him strait.

he liy on da flor.

"i is ur noo karpet." he say. i olmost start cri. he so nise.

"peebeegee! Omg!" i esclaim.

suddenlee santan brek throo da roof.

"O NOES!" i screem. santan laff liek a monstr.

"you hav somoned me!" he tel peebs.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" pbg screem. he cri coz hes a cribabi.

"wot doo u wont?" santan assk da peenut.

"cheerios." he say.

santan walk to da kitchen and steel ma cheerios.

"WTF SANTAN!? Y U DO THIS TO MEH!" i sey at him.

"coz im santan wat do u espect im sposed to bee da bad guy?!" he esplain.

its waz ofishal. austien waz a santanest. i has to stop him.

i grab da frootloops from da kitchen.

i make some frootloops in a bowel.

i frow da frootloops at santan and he start berning. ther is melk evrywere.

"AAAA MA FACE WTF Y?!" santan yel at me.

"DONT FUCKING TOCH MA CHEERIOS BITSH!" i screem eevn lauder than santan.

i tern to austien and shak Ma hed.

"y bee a santanest? dat bad." i skold him.

"i didnt meen too!" he sey, still cri.

i pet his bak.

"it ok. heer, hav dis." i hand him da box of frootloops. i has put a laybell on it dat say "santan rheepellant." he smil.

"tank you. u make me feel sayfe." PBG say, then he blush.

i blush to. dis giv meh day-zshar-voo.

he leen over and hug meh. he so nise.

he giv me a bocks. it filed wiv witeboord mahrkers.

i snif da mahrkers. i fel vry dissy and hiper.

i start laffing. i laff so mush dat i loose osegen and fant.

i fel on da flor.

i wok up wiv austien loking ovr me.

"Y? Y U SNIF DEM??¿" he assk.

i shrugg. "donno." i tel him. "they lok lik they smel gud."

"U DON DOO DAT WIV DEM OMG!!!¡¡¡" he screem.

dis waz vry unespected.

"peebs i nevr fort u wood yel at me liek dat, but u did." i is now sad and confoosed.

he lok sad to.

"sory. i didnt meen to yel. i-" he starsed.

"i waz jus worryed. i dint wont u too be hert." as he sed dose werds my hart felt hapi agan.

he car for me. :')

i suddenlee fel liek beeing nise to da peenut.

"lol brb." i tel him so he don get scared.

i go to da kitchen.

i com bak with my speshial boks of cheerios.

"omg." he sey.

i put ma hand in da boks and pull out a singl cheerio.

i hand it to austien. he lok at me wiv eyes fill wiv tears.

"thank." he sey wile smileing.

"welcom." i sey to bee polight.

he start to walk out da fron dor.

my hart start to beet fast.

is dis wut luv fel liek??¿?

"wel, i gess dis is gudbi." he sey kinda sadlee.

"yea." i siigh. dis fel liek it endedd to soon.

"bi then..." he sey trailling of.

he turn hes bak and start wlking agan.

sudenlee, i feel a sirge of energee.

i grab da coller of hes shert an pul him close to me.

i stair intoo hes deep gren eyes.

filed wiv pashion, i, omg.

i jus kised him.


it waz liek ther wer fiahworks in meh hart :') <3

i finealy pul away.

"omg." pbg sey.

"i luv u. <3" he tel me.


i hug da peenut.

but then i reelise,

he hav to leev.

i wav gudbi to mai noo boifren.

teers wer filing up our eyes.

we dun wan it to bee da end,

but it waz. :'(((((

and dat bich still had meh noo karpet.


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