The List ( A Josh Hutcherson story)

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Chapter one

When you're 18 the world's supposed to be your oyster. Well, not my world. At 18 I have lung cancer and don't plan on facing treatment. I was going to face death. When that is I'm not certain, but it's statistically sooner than the averge 18 year old girl I can tell you that for sure.

"Seatbelt?" My Mum questioned even though I could see from her eyeing that she knew I hadn't fastened it.

"What's the point." I muttered under my breath, it was true, what was the point? If I died now or tomorrow or in a few months time why did it matter?

"What was that?" My Mum questioned cautiously.

"Nothing." I sighed as I fastened up my belt and she reversed out of the drive.

"So got any plans for after the appointment?" My Mum smiled as she asked.  

"Go home? Eat? Sleep?" This was always my answer and I couldn't understand why she even asked lately.

"You've not got plans with your friends? You used to always have plans with your friends." She sighed and tutted. I just shrugged in response, I had little to say to my friends anymore. "You really should talk to them Violet, they might help." She sighed again. 

"Yeah, I'm sure one of them has a cure somewhere kicking about." I snapped. 

"That's not what I meant Violet." My Mum sighed and I could see her face go cold. 

"I don't want to talk about it." I said and so we didn't. We didn't talk about anything for the entire 20 minute drive and I was a tad grateful. 

"So, it's growing at the rate we expected. Nothing abnormal, except the cancer itself!" My doctor, doctor Maine chuckled to himself. Yep, hilarious. 

"So we'll come back in two weeks then?" My mum asked without prying her eyes away from the screen that showed my lungs. Inbetween my lungs was a white orb, it mainly attatched to my left lung but as the weeks went by it now became centeral, touching my right lung just as much as my left. 

"Well if Violet's still certain on not getting treatment the most I can do is monitor this as we go, so two weeks it is, although I'm pretty certain you have blood tests tomorrow?" He said to my Mum and not me, despite the fact I am actually an adult. 

"Okay Okay, thanks, yeah we do yeah." My Mum muttered still staring at the screen. 

"You know, we could still help you a lot Violet, you still have a huge survival chance if we get straight to chemotherapy." Doctor Maine said directly to me, it was the only thing he ever said directly to me. 

"I'm okay thanks." I said looking away, he was just sparking another argument with my Mum for me.

"You're not okay though, you've got cancer Violet and you're chosing to not treat it. I don't understand." My mum sighed.

"I'm ready to leave now." I groaned and jumped off the bed I was sitting on.

"Just come and sign some forms for me Violet?" Doctor Maine said and we follwed him out of the room, down the hall into the reception of the cancer ward of the hospital. 

"I't's busy today, we have a celebrity guest planning a visit or something." Dr. Maine chuckled. Although, the busy part was obvious as we could see a number of people herded in what is usually one of the waiting sections of the ward. "Oh, almost forgot, need those tablets for you Violet, er why don't you wait here? Mum if you'd like to come with me to sort the insurance and lardy da out?" He said as he fidgeted with a pen at the desk. 

My Mum nodded and they walked off together leaving me to find a seat, except there were no seats, they'd all been moved. I jumped up and sat on the desk since there were no staff there anyway. I began fiddling with my hands until a husk voice pulled me out of my bubble. 

"Hi, who're you here with?" A messy haired boy smiled down at me.

"Oh, I'm a patient here." I stuttered. Then it clicked in my head, he was the celebrity guest. It was Josh Hutcherson, I recognised him from a few films I liked. 

"Well er, if you don't mind me saying, you don't look too ill." He chuckled and jumped up to sit next to me, I turned back and saw that most the people had left now and only staff, one ill girl and her family  and what looked like his PR team were in the reception all chatting. 

"Well I'll take that as a compliment thanks..." I chuckled as he grinned at me.

"I'm Josh by the way." He grinned at me.

"Yeah, I know, I'm Violet." I smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Violet." Josh pulled a huge smile and held out his hand for me to shake, I took it and couldn't hold back a grin. 

"So Violet, if you don't mind me asking, what are you in for?" Josh said as he drummed his fingers on his leg in a perfectly timed beat. 

"I have er lung cancer." I said reluctantly, Josh was the first person I'd had to actually tell, with family and doctors my mum did all the talking and I hadn't told any of my friends when I dropped out of college, just told them I was job hunting instead. 

"Oh, wow, I'm really sorry Violet." Josh said as he looked me in the eyes. 

"I'll be okay." I lied and shrugged. I was dying but so was he, so is everyone.

"And if Violet can sign this then you can be on your way." I heard Dr Maine say as he came down the corridor. I jumped off the desk and walked to meet them. Dr Maine held out the paper and a pen and I took it from him and lent on the desk next to Josh to sign it. 

"You know I'm having a pizza and film day tomorrow here in the hospital for patients, you should come, it starts at 12." Josh suggested smiling at me.

"I don't know..." I grimaced, sitting around ill people wasn't my idea of a good time.

"That'd be nice for you Violet, you've got blood tests here tomorrow as well so it's perfect timing!" My Mum screeched and Josh smiled at me attemping to get one back from me.

"We'll see."  I forced a smile back. 

"See you tomorrow Violet!" Josh smiled as I handed the paper back to Dr Maine and joined my Mum to walk out. I forced a wave back and looked at my Mum who was smiling more than she had done in months. 

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Okay, so first chapter, let me know what you think! vote! comment! 

also I'd like to note that I haven't been through cancer myself so there's likely to be innacuracies in my story and I'm open to help with that! thanks!! 

Also, my cover for the story was made by my1Dstory_x 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2013 ⏰

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