Please Don't Do This: A Gruvia Fanfiction

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"Gray-sama! Listen to Juvia!" Juvia cried as she ran after her lover. Gray scurried around their apartment packing things into a duffel bag.

"Not now, Juvia." He said sternly.

"Yes now! What are you doing? Why are you packing? Talk to Juvia, Gray-sama! Please!" she begged. She cornered him on his side of the bed, which was closest to the wall. She had stormy eyes. Anger and worry radiated from her body as she blocked Gray's path.

"Juvia, I have to go! Let me pass!" Protested Gray. He tried to pass her, but all he got was a splash of water to the face, making him stumble back a little bit.

"Not until you tell Juvia what's going on." She said coldly.

"I can't Juvia. Please just let me pass."


"Juvia wants you to explain. Now!"

"Juvia! I can't tell you! You could get hurt! Now please let me pass before I have to force my way out!" Gray cried, approaching Juvia until he stood right in front of her. He leaned down and kissed her gently, then pulled away and walked past her. She stood there dazed for a moment, then whirled around.

"Gray-sama wait!" she cried. Tears glistened in her eyes. "Please don't do this."

She whispered those words repeatedly as if they would stop him from leaving her. He walked up to her, and wiped away the tears that were on her face.

"Hey," he whispered to her. " I won't be gone long. I'll be back before you know it. Don't cry, Juvia. Smile for me." he kissed her again, more deeply this time. When he pulled away, he wiped away one last tear. She put a small, pained smile on her face. She held his hand as he walked towards the door, not wanting to let go. He opened it and turned to her, "I'll be back, Juvia. I love you." And then he was gone.
That was 8 years ago.

"Mama!" A little boy cried as he dashed through the guild. He had a grin plastered on his face. He had black hair and sparkling blue eyes.

"What is it dear?" A blue haired woman asked as she scooped up her child, both laughing happily.

"I made a snowman outside! Wanna see?" the little boy asked excitedly.

"A snowman? It's the middle of summer, Yuki. There isn't any snow."

"Yes there is! Come look, Mama, come look!" the little boy hopped down from his mother's lap and ran for the door. His mother laughed and excused herself.

"Sorry, Lucy-san. Duty calls."

"It's quite alright, Juvia. Kasai and Luna do the same thing," Lucy laughed, waving her friend off.

Juvia smiled and ran after her son. "Mama's gonna get you!" she giggled as she caught up to her son. He let out a squeal and ran for the door faster. He reached it just as it opened. He barreled straight into a man entering the guild.

"Watch where you're going, little man." The man said roughly. Juvia caught up only seconds later and started to scold the man.

"Don't talk to Juvia's son in such a manner!" She reached down and helped the 8 year old to his feet. She finally looked up at the man and nearly dropped Yuki. "G-Gray-sama?" She whispered. The man is indeed Gray. And he looked as surprised as she did.

"D-did you say, son?" He asked quickly, looking down at the boy by his feet.

"Mama, who is this man?" he asked innocently.

"An old friend of Mama's." She stood up, and slapped Gray square in the face."Mama didn't do that. Can you go play with Kasai and Luna for a bit while mama talks to him?" The little boy nodded and ran away. "You, have a lot of explaining to do." She said coldly.

Please Don't Do This: A Gruvia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now