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Johnny's p.o.v:
As we sat around a campfire, we passed a 40oz beer around. Charlie was as drunk as always, and he was trying to kiss da kurlzz. Jdog and funny man where just working on new song lyrics. I took a sip of beer and passed it to danny. He shook his head no and passed it to jorel. He stood up and walked to one of the trees. I got up and follows him." Dude are you ok?" Just before he could answer, he threw up behind a tree. I helped him remove his favorite jacket so that it didn't get puke on it. Jorel came running over." Danny are you ok?!?" Danny nodded his head and sat against one of the trees." You must of had too much food or something." He only shrugs. Dylan then looks at the packages of hot dogs we ate." Oh shit, these are a week old." Danny holds his hand over his mouth." We should all probably go back home. I can take danny back to my place." We put out the camp fire and I pick up danny bridle style. As I put him in the car, he whispers a thank you and falls asleep.

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