Chapter 1

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Lauren Jauregui was almost sure she knew where she was. She had hiked this trail many times with her father when she was a child, She couldn't possibly be lost. She just couldn't. Right?

At the ripe old age of 22, Lauren was sure she knew everything. And she most certainly was sure she knew where she was. She was certain until she heard the rustling waters of the springs rushing downstream. God, how had I come this far out? She thought to herself. She of course knew where she was now but this was almost two miles off the main trail. Damn it! she cursed.

Blast her stupid need to pee which was followed by her chasing what she thought was the most beautiful white wild bunny she'd ever seen.

And as if things couldn't be bad enough, Vermont's unpredictable weather was about to rear its ugly head once again.

Dark clouds formed in the distance and she thought it best to find shelter as quickly as possible. She cursed herself for loving nature so much. She even took a small teaching job in this rural city called Riverton because she loved hiking and nature more than she loved the hustle and bustle of congested city life.

Thunder rolled and grumbled in the distance as lightening flashed sporadically. She needed shelter and she needed it now.

Not too far off in the distance she came across a cave opening that didn't look too bad for shelter. She prayed nothing lived in it as she moved closer. Just as she reached the mouth of the cave the skies opened up and poured down heavy droplets which covered the ground around her.

Lauren stood still and silent listening to the sounds of thousands of raindrops hitting the forest floor. Lightning flashed its way across the sky, everything was peaceful and quiet. Lauren sighed taking in the beauty of nature when off in the distance a low almost inaudible growl emerged from deep inside the cave to quiet for the green eyed beauty to hear. It took a second for the Latina eyes adjusted to the darkness of the cave. And with the sound of pouring rain and the darkness of the cave it was hard to tell where exactly anything came from even if she heard it.

Lauren began to shiver slightly. She wasn't sure if it was from fear or being wet at this point.

Suddenly to her left she though she heard a small sound followed by some movement. She froze. Then stupidly decided as if by reflex to ask "Anyone there?".

Almost immediately something flashed in the corner of her eye. Something so dark it stood out in the darkest cave if you looked hard enough. Her heart rate quickened and ever so slowly she backed away from the mysterious creature, but her action didn't go unnoticed. The creature Quickly moved toward her. She stumbled back into the rain filled forest. Tripping instantly Lucky her small backpack broke her fall. Sliding back on her butt trying to get her footing as she watched a giant black cat charged out of the cave full sprint toward her. She was going to die. She knew it. The large animal lept toward her as she turned her face away in a last ditch effort to brace for impact.

She waited... and waited but nothing happened, no impact. Only the sound of rain and what was that? Scuffling, growls and grunting?

Lauren chanced a look and what she saw astonished and bewildered her. It was a woman. Tall and muscular with blonde matted hair. The woman wrestled with the large black animal for a second. Then they broke apart and circled each other. The animal put its nose in the air and seemed to smell and the concede to the woman challenging him for his prey. It then turned and sprinted away leaving the woman standing there almost naked in all her glory.

Lauren was dumbfounded. The woman's back was turned to her as she tried to approach.

"Thank you. I think you just saved my life" Lauren said cautiously.


"Please, I think I'm lost. Do you know a way out?" Lauren tried again.

Before she could get any closer to the blonde the woman sprinted off into the jungle. Disappearing into the denser parts forest where Lauren hesitated to follow. She was terrified but also deeply intrigued. She needed to know what just happened. Who this mysterious woman was?

She waited, hoping the woman would come back for a few minutes. But self preservation won over and Lauren decided to try to find the trail she had lost. She took her compass out and started off into the direction she knew the trail was in.

She'd made it back within a couple of hours after some minor detours. At times she swore she could see a flash of blonde in the bushes. Could the woman be following her. She hoped she was. Lauren made it to her car before it got to dark, darker then before. She took her time and changed out of her hiking boots and soaked clothes. She looked around continuously hoping to see the blonde again but she didn't. Tired, wet and hungry she decided to head home.

Little did she know a pair of chocolate brown eyes watched as she drove away. The woman felt a twinge of sadness seeing the Raven girl leave. She would see the woman from time to time walk the trail. Sometimes alone sometimes with an older man. When the brunette was alone Dinah kept an eye on her.

Something about the woman's scent drove her insane with need. It was almost animalistic. But she knew she could never let anyone see her. Her body would terrify anyone who saw her. Sadly she walked to the spot where the brunettes car was parked. Something small, shinny, and round with a green stone lay on the road. She picked it up and even with the slight rain still falling she could still smell Lauren's scent on it. Dinah smiled and headed back to her sparse forest home.

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