{ prologue }

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She shouldn't have trusted him.

it was late at night, the streets were utterly vacant and there wasn't a face in sight. Lightning flashed and struck behind the dark clouds, rain fell in thick drops, it was a torrential downpour. Wendy was on her way to a party and had taken a wrong turn, though she didn't know it at the time.

She could've sworn she knew where she was going, she was given easy directions. But for some reason, she could not find Main Street, the street in which she would take a left on and then it would take her straight to the house that held the party. But after every street sign she drove by for the past twenty minutes, there was no Main Street anywhere. It started to become clear to her that she was lost.

Wendy stopped her vehicle at an intersection when the traffic light turned red, even though there weren't any cars coming from any direction. The rain was really coming down now, her windshield whippers were hurriedly swaying back and forth.

Something about this town gave her an uneasy feeling. Thunder rumbled from ahead and she knew this thunder storm wasn't going to subside anytime soon. She was confused as to why no cars were driving by, according to her watch, she still had ten minutes to kill before the party started. Who would even live in a town like this?

There were spooky looking houses that lined each side of the streets, each house was dark and empty, no lights were on and no cars were parked in any of the driveways. Weird.

Surely Main Street was just down the road, maybe she was just overreacting.

Suddenly, a chill ran through Wendy's body, she shivered and rubbed her hands together to keep warm. The traffic light was still red, which came across as strange. Why was it taking so long? There wasn't a car that could be seen from anywhere, the only one being Wendy's.

She felt another chill run through her body, just being here gave her the creeps. She started to get irritated so she pulled out her cellphone and started calling her friend Joseph, the boy who was throwing the party.

Wendy has been to Joseph's house before, and she does not remember him living by any of these streets. She didn't even think this was the right area.

The phone rang a couple of times before going to voicemail, Wendy let out a groan and slammed her hand on the steering wheel.

Once the phone beeped, she tried to gather some courage to leave a somewhat calm and mellow voicemail.

"Hey, Joe, it's Wendy. I'm on my way to your house and am currently stuck at a stop light, and there aren't even any cars around. I'm trying to find your supposed street, Main Street, right? And why didn't you ever tell me how creepy this place is? All the houses around here are dark and no one is home. Feel free to make me feel safe and gimme a call back." she hung up the phone with a sigh and took a deep breath.

She waited a couple minutes as she stared at her phone.. something definitely wasn't right. She opened her phone again and went to her messages, she viewed the directions Joseph texted her. It read:

"234 Eighth Street, you wanna take a left and it's the fourth house down on the right side. The party starts at 11 pm sharp so BE THERE!!"

Her whole entire face was blank as she read the text over and over to make sure she read correctly. Eighth Street? She thought it was Main Street for sure!

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