Chapter 1

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I woke up to a blasting alarm going off in my room. I got up knowing school starts today I'm a senior this year. I got ready and headed down stairs. I grabbed a granola bar and left the kitchen.
"Bye mom" I yelled
"Y/n wait!"
I stopped and waited for her to walk to me.
"Yes mom?"
"Here I'm going to give you this $50 to go to the mall sometime this week."
"Thanks mom but I can't take this"
"Y/n take it, look at it as a senior gift"
"Thanks mom now I got to go"
I ran out the door to my car and drove to school. When I got there I saw my friend Kayleigh (in the picture above). I ran to her and hugged her.
"Omg how was your summer y/n??"-Kayleigh
"It was good but now I'm ready for school to be over and I just got here."
"Same y/n I want to be done but it's our senior year so this is our last year here!"
Me and Kayleigh have been best friends since 1st grade she is my best friend. I hear the class bell ring so me and Kayleigh go to our classes.(skip classes to lunch). The screaming bell rings again and I head to lunch when I get there I see Kayleigh and go sit next to her.
"How was class y/n?"
"Horrible like always."
"So you exited about your last class?" -Kayleigh
"I guess why?"
"Because there is a new teacher" -Kayleigh
"What happened to Mrs.harris?"
"Oh she pasted away over break" -Kayleigh
"Oh, well who is the new teacher is she nice?"
"Well I've already had that class and she is a he and girl he is so hot"-Kayleigh
"Omg Kayleigh why would you say that he is your teacher!"
"You have him next you will see what I'm talking about."-Kayleigh
The school bell rings and I go to my next class British literature. It's my last class of the day. I walk in and sit in the back like normal. I sit in my seat and soon everything goes black and I feel hands on my face........

Hey guys this is my first story and by the way I'm Kayleigh yes I'm the one is the picture.tell me what you think and if I should keep writing um I'll possibly update every day or week not sure yet but if you have suggestions tell me and I'll see if I can add them and thanks for reading I'll be posting next chapter really really soon maybe later or tomorrow thanks for reading this first chapter I hope you like this and the rest of the story ❤️

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