Missed Calls.

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You where sick of it. You where sick of your mother treating you like a servant just because you borrowed some money.

After another intense fight with your mom you brust into tears and ran out the door grabbing only your shoes and purse on the way out. You sat down on the stairs and put your shoes on while continuing to cry quietly to yourself. You didn't want to disturb the neighbours.

After tying your shoes you decided just to take a walk and calm yourself down while thinking about how your going to apologise to your mother this time. To be honest you weren't even sorry. You just didn't want to get kicked out of your house, so you had no choice but to say you're "Sorry".

While walking you noticed someone coming out of your nearest convenience store. Crap... it was Hakyeon.

Hakyeon was your classmate at university, he took the same classes as you, but you had only spoken to him once, and that was at a party where both of you were completely wasted. You don't even remember the conversation you had..... you didn't even know you had talked to him before one of your friends posted a picture of you and him clinking beers with his arm around your shoulder.

But there was one thing you knew for sure. You had the biggest crush on him since day one. But you've been too much of a wimp to even talk to him. Sober atleast.

So as a rational human being you did the only logical thing you could think of.... you turned around and started to run. There was no way he was going to see you in such a pathetic state. Your eyes where red from crying and your tears had smudged all of your makeup. You looked like a high raccoon. You sat down on the cold ground and started to rethink your life choices, until you suddenly hear steps....

"Y/N?" A slightly feminine yet husky voice exclaimed.

"Hakyeon?" You replied as you saw his concerned yet calm face running around the corner.

"Why did you run.......... and why are you crying?" He asked while kneeling down and tucking a loose strand of hair that was covering your face behind you ear.

You didn't know what to say, so you just decided to answer honestly. "I'm crying because I got into a fight with my mom, and I ran because I didn't want you to see me.... like this" you said gesturing to yourself.

He smiled and offered you a hand to help you stand up. "How about this..." He said wiping your tears: "How about you come over to my place. You can wash your face, I'll feed you and then we can watch a movie"

You nodded. He took your hand and led you to his apartment. When you walked inside you where amazed. It was a beautiful apartment with a cream and brown theme. <Is he rich or something?> You thought to yourself. His living room had a flat screen TV, but that wasn't the thing that surprised you the most. The thing that surprised you the most is how clean it was. You'd think a guy in his twentys that's living alone would have a messier home... You took off your shoes.

"Where's your bathroom?" You asked. He just pointed at the door next to you. You walked inside and walked up to the sink and washed your face quickly. The smeared makeup came off relatively quickly which was very convenient.

You walked out of the bathroom to see Hakyeon struggling to make popcorn on a pan since he didn't have a microwave. You smiled watching him struggle. He looks at you, comes over and puts his hands on either side of your face. "You should smile more. Smiling suites you a lot more than crying". He said. You didn't know why but that little comment made you feel so much better. The both of you sit down to watch the movie.

During the movie you start to feel very drowsy. The movie wasn't that interesting and Hakyeon wasn't making any moves so started to become more and more sleepy. Until..... you fell asleep.


<It's so comfortable, nice and warm, nice heartbeat> You think to yourself. <Wait.... heartbeat?> You open your eyes to to see yourself lying on top of Hakyeon on his sofa. You where positioned between his legs with your head on his chest and his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. You try to wriggle out of his grip without waking him up. You take your phone to look at the time, but instead something more shocking catches your eye.

Hakyeon opens one eye to see you with such a shocked facial expression and bolted up straight away.  "What's wrong, babe?" He asked while wrapping his arms around your waist again. Then he takes a look at your phone.

*57 missed calls from "Mom"*

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