Chapter 1

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Running, running, ever running. It seemed like there was no end. It was all he had ever known, honestly. The feeling of not being wanted, the feeling of not belonging. The feeling of being some kind of monster in everyone's eyes. But it was true. This boy was a monster. Disowned by his human parents, he had nowhere to go. So he took to the forests. Sure, a few people went after him, yelling things like "Execute the devil!" and the like, but this was only after he'd grown his horns.

It was a wonder to most, but to all, it seemed a curse. And there was no tolerance for curses, because a curse meant a witch. He'd tried so hard to hide them when he first discovered them from brushing his hair. There was a painful sensation from two spots on his head, and upon further inspection, there were two pointed horns. He was able to hide them for about a year and a half until they were too big for hats anymore.

His parents had seen him attempting to file them down, and were very appalled. They had run him out of their home screaming and shouting profanities, causing a ruckus through the village, alerting the neighbors. And once they had seen, oh, had there been a riot. Torches, pitchforks, axes, you name it. The villagers had done everything they could to get him out. So he wandered aimlessly, searching for a place to be. Years had passed, many villages had come and gone, each driving him out. It was maddening, to say the least. Each day was more and more lonely, until eventually, he stopped trying. He stopped trying to find a place to belong. He stopped trying to come into contact with the humans. He just...

Stopped trying.

Until one day, when he was greeted by an energetic boy. He had been minding his own business, wandering like he'd always been doing when there was a voice from behind him.


Just ignore it, he told himself. If you don't say anything, he'll leave you alone.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!"


"I said I was talking to you!"

He turned around to see a boy, who seemed to be a few years younger than him, and crossed his arms. "What."

The boy bent over to rest on his knees. He had been running to catch up. "What are you doing in this forest-"

"I could very well ask you the same thing."

"And what's with those horns on your head?"

He fought back a scowl at the mention of those damned horns, the very things that brought him his torment.

"Is that any of your business?" He all but spat out. The young boy thought for a moment, then shrugged.

"Mm... I guess not. Anyway, I'm Xander. Pleased to meetcha!" Xander held out his hand, smiling.

"...Isaac." The horned boy said, ignoring the outstretched hand. "Is there anything specific you wanted? Money? I don't have it. To make fun of me? Go right ahead, I have plenty of time for that and I don't particularly care. Whatever it is, just hurry and do it, I don't like staying in one place for too long."

Xander gave him a confused look. "Why would I do any of that? You seemed pretty cool, so I just thought I'd join you on your journey.."

Journey...? What journey? A journey implied that you had somewhere in mind to go, and this was most definitely not a journey.

"Look, kid. I dunno what kind of wild adventure fantasy you have in your head, but get it out. I don't necessarily have time for fooling around." Isaac told him, a frown on his face. That statement only made Xander's face turn into an ecstatic grin.

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