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Hello everybody, this is Helena 

I am not any kind of pro at this but I am looking to improve .... therefor please notify me whenever there is a problem with the cover I made you so I can improve

Also lets keep in mind that we are all human(sorry mermaids, unicorns, aliens and benders ), so a little bit of patience will be required.

Without further ado lets get on with the ..... rules


1. Your book must be published at the moment of the request or in 24 hours after receiving the cover (if not the cover will become a premade )

2.No stealing, if you like it and want to recreate it please ask first

3. Complete the request form properly, if it's to vague I will ask you to elaborate or I will deny it 

4. You must use the cover for at least one week 

 Please be nice and have a wonder filled day 

The forms will be in the next part. Requests are made only there


A permanent follow 

Credit in your book description 

The payment will be made after you receive it, in case you don't like it. 

Cover evolution 

Cover evolution 

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Covers/ON HOLD :Graphics-EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now