Getting over it

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I haven't finished the game and I've just started but I hope you'll understand and not base this in the game, probably, I actually need to stop confusing myself. Ignore what I said, just enjoy.

I'm actually a new account here but I have an old one that I don't use, you'll be surprised who I am. For the most of you reading. Wanna guess? Lolol, nevermind that's stupid to do.

(I've never used "lol" before, but then Mystic messenger had to come and drag me down the pits of hell again 😂😂 And I thought Utapri was going to be the end of me...)

"(Name)!" He called with his sweet and childish voice. You turned around and saw him running to you, he paused for a moment to remove his hoodie and quickly run to you as you waited in the school gates. Your heart beats faster and faster as you saw him running to you, he's just adorable. You raised your hand to wave 'hi' back but he immediately wrapped his arms around you, making you stop for a moment.

"Yoosung?" You asked him as he hugs you ever so tightly, he was so close that you could hear his heartbeat and smell his perfume, channel #5? Lol just kidding it's probably bench or something. You felt happy that he hugged you for no reason but you were still curious as to why. "Are you alright? What's wro--"

You were cut off as you felt him tying his hoodie  on your waist. "Don't ever be careless like that again, alright??" He stated pulling away from you and holding you by the shoulders.

You nodded in agreement as you still try to process what's going on...until it hit you like a professional baseball player's best swing. You quickly blushed and started to panic.

"Wait! Don't use your jacket! It might get stained too! It's blue! Oh gosh..." You panicked as you try to remove the hoodie but Yoosung placed his hands over yours.

"It's alright (Name), You don't need to be shy." He told you with his sweetest and softest voice.

"'s your favorite jacket..." You said, hesitating to continue removing it or not.

"No no, you're my favorite jacket." He said with a smile, his words not coinciding with his expressions.

"Yoosung, be serious." He laughed and wrapped one arm around your waist.

"I'm just trying to lighten things up. I mean come on, as a boyfriend it's my responsibility to protect you, especially on days like these."  He had a point, red day's ain't no laughing matter.

"Thanks sweetie." You hugged him.

"Aww! (name) was the one who hugged me for the first time! My heart is beating so fast! Waah!" He said smiling with a red tint running to his ears.

"You're so honest, Yoosung! Now the moment's ruined!" You pouted and walked ahead of him.

"Huh?? What?? (name)! Wait for me! Hey!" He chased after you. After catching up beside you and grabbed your hand. "Don't leave me." He said with the earnest face you've ever seen. You almost teared up in seeing him like that and tightened your grip on his hand.

"And you've managed to pick it back up again, you're just amazing aren't you?" You smiled and at the same time, you both thought of swinging your hands up like children, not caring what others would think.

(This literally pissed me off whenever he does this in the game....*Insert Jaehee's face when with Elly)

"By the way, how's the party planning doing? Is Rika's job too hard?" He asked with concern.

"No it's fine, I can handle this." You smiled, reassuring him that you're alright.

"That's good." He said, smiling. "Rika always tells me that whenever I ask her."

".....oh?....." Was the only thing you say.
"Yeah! You two really are alike! Rika's smiles a lot, so do you." You stayed silent with a blunt face and a closed mouth. And it started 'rika rika rika rika rika rika' in the afternoon it's like there's a switch that is automatically flicked open whenever it's this time of the day. He'd go and reminisce on Rika again over and over again. Usually you'd be fine, but this was the time of the month where you'll have short patience and high range quit levels.

"You know..." You told him as you stopped walking, making him stop in his tracks as well. "I think I'll head back to school..."

"Huh? Why? Did you forget something?" You looked down, afraid or rather pissed off to look at him, you know this wasn't right but you did it anyway.

"Yeah...just...go ahead without me."

"No, I can come with yo--"

"It's alright. You don't have to." You got curious and looked up for a moment before running back to the school, which is a long distance from where you stopped. As the you ran back, the picture of his face of that instant flashed in you mind. He looked worried, extremely, and you blame yourself for causing such an expression. You weren't that far but you heard loud footsteps from behind you, it was Yoosung running towards you.

"Did I do something slightly wrong???" he exclaimed but the wind's sound along with the noisy horns of traffic and the loud music played everywhere covered what he was saying.

"WHAT?" You exclaimed.


"YEAH YOU DID!" You exclaimed as you both ran while conversing with each other at the top of your lungs

"IS IT BECAUSE YOU HAVE YOUR PERIOD???" You blushed in shock.


"I'm sorry!" He exclaimed, tired, the same as you who was running while screaming.

"What?" You asked.

"I'M SORRY!" He shouted louder, making the people dart their eyes but only see blurs of colors because of how fast both of you were going. You had no reply to that and kept running until he decided to give you some alone time and left himself behind. You felt awful yet jealous of how he talks too much about Rika when he's with you. All those negative feelings of anger, jealousy, regret and guilt mixed up into one sentence.

"Did I just f*cked up....I think I did...."

~Next chapter: Maybe over coffee?~


I honestly don't know why'd I make something like this, I usually make something more heartfelt but I guess I've lost my touch after all the months I've gone. Anyway! I think I'll make one more book for one shots for all the members. Lolol I'll even jump in V there if anyone would be interested. V in bts not MM......Just kidding. Haha!

Anyway byeee. See you next week if you'd be happy enough to continue this story I made just to procrastinate from studying.

{MM} Yoosung X Reader one shots.Where stories live. Discover now