Interview + Rules

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Hello! This is a message from the Gravity Falls Roleplay Crew. We've decided that instead of on PM, we'll be holding interviews for characters publicly so that more people will be able to see this and apply.

We can only accept you, however, if you promise to follow the 10 Commandments of Roleplay:

1. Thou shalt follow the rules (spoken or unspoken).

2. Thou shalt be original.

3. Thou shalt not be obnoxious.

4. Thou shalt be active.

5. Thou shalt stay within the universe.

6. Thou shalt not kill without other victim's consent.


8. Thou shalt be considerate of others.

9. Thou shalt have flaws.

10. Thou shalt follow the roleplay format (literate or freestyle).

(taken from

If you'd like to be a character in our Gravity Falls Roleplay Group, please comment on this book or PM us with the answers to the following:

1. How long have you been roleplaying as your character? How much roleplay experience do you have overall?

2. Describe your character in five words.

3. How do you think your character would react to having a toaster thrown at them?

4. How does your schedule look? Will you be able to join and roleplay on the Gravity Falls Roleplay book at least once a week?

Thank you for your time, and happy roleplaying!

The Gravity Falls Roleplay Crew

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2016 ⏰

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