A Perfect Start

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Well I'm screwed.

My best friends hate me, I'm being hunted down and assaulted by some annoying guy and everyone at college thinks I'm some kind of slutty stripper. Things couldn't be any worse. But if I'm going to tell this right I need to start from the start.

A red Ferrari comes screeching around the corner blasting Fergalicious from its speakers. It is undoubtedly Gabby and Jas.

Gabby and Jas have been my best friends since year 7. We met on the first day and have been inseparable since.

As the car comes to a stop the girls turn down the music and the smiles widen on their faces.

'AVERY' Gabby practically screams
'Hey A' Jas says a bit more calm.

They have called me A since year 7 seeing as their names Gabriella and Jasmine can be shortened. Sometimes when people hear it they look at me weirdly and I'm guessing it's from Pretty Little Liars.

'Hey guys. Oh my god. I'm so excited to finally get away from this stupid old house and my annoying parents.'

'I know right!' Gabby exclaimed while eye rolling.

I jumped into the back of the car and off we went.

As we came to a stop at the traffic lights a ute filled with boys slowly halts next to us playing some heavy metal music really loudly. We turned to look over at them and they were all staring at us. Creeps. Ew. They all looked really dodgy and typical. Gorgeous, beachy locks and rock solid arm muscles and abs. Every guy here basically looked like it and every girl falls for it, well, except for us. We like classy well behaved gentlemen, not over muscular self absorbed guys who act like they care about the environment and animals but really couldn't give a fuck.

The lights turned green and the car screeches of, and we drive on.
After half an hour we finally arrive at the gates of the college. As we pull up into the drive way of our new sorority house we saw in large glamorous, golden letters  KKD in the exact middle of the large white modern house. The garden was perfectly symmetrical and filled with large shaped bushes and beautiful white and red roses and in the middle a stunning marble fountain with pure crystal clear blue water flowing out of the little Cupids mouths with a large Aphrodite sitting at the top. The luxury seemed so nice and fancy here. I could get use to it.

As we stepped out of the our red Ferrari another car, a smaller yellow one came in behind us. Out stepped a much older, no, very old woman with short, shoulder length, grey hair and blue eyes shielded by glasses which where attached to a beaded string hanging around the back of her neck. She wore a yellow blazer with a yellow skirt and a white ruffled top. She was wearing old granny black shoes that made her whole elegant style ruined. She began to approach us with a big smile.

'Good morning girls. My name is Ms Gate and I am the head mistress of  Westchester University. Welcome and welcome to Kappa Kappa Delta your new sorority group and house for the next few years. You three are the only new girls this year. The girls here are very selective so congratulations,' Her voice was sharp and her eyes kept on dieting to the house as she shook our hands. Almost like she was seeing something.

'Thank you. I'm Avery White and this is Gabriella Bradwell and Jasmine Jhonson.'

'Shall we go inside?' Her old wrinkly hand gestured to the door and we all began to walk.

The large doors opened  and as we stepped inside there were 3 girls waiting for us. The one in the middle had beautiful long curled blond hair and deep blue eyes. She had perfect skin and a beautiful body shape. Her smile was warm and comforting but she seemed a bit edgy. She wore a beautiful pink and white skirt that cost at least $150 and a stunning pink blazer that covered her top. She wore a white scarf wrapped around her neck and almost see through socks going up to her mid calfs under her pink gem incrested high heels.

To the left of her was a girl with rich brown hair and a perfect tan, clearly fake but still, it was gorgeous. She had beautiful teeth but her smile was obviously fake. Her long hair was held back with a golden headband that looked like a crown. Her mint dress was short and had a rough material. It had an attached gold pearl necklace. She stood tall in a pair of white enclosed heels. Her dark brown eyes meet mine and I quickly glanced away.

Finally on the right was a smaller, very skinny girl with short, strawberry blonde hair just past her shoulders and bangs that hung over her eyebrows. Her tiny red lips matched her elegant small physique. Her green eyes met mine and she held a stare and then glanced away. She didn't smile at all. She wore a nude coloured mid drift with a silver zip down the middle. Her nude skirt fit tightly on her and went up to her belly button. She wore a more cream blazer and a string of pearls around her neck. Her shoes again were nude and she carried a Chanel white purse.

The middle one began to speak. 'Welcome to Kappa Kappa. The sorority filled with legends. I'm Chloë and this is Valentina and Scarlett,' she said as she gestured to her left then right, each girl responding to their name with a slight smile. 'I'm the leave here of Kappa Kappa and first of all we don't appreciate slacking so please stand up straight.' She gave Jas a death glare and Jas immediately stood up straight as if she is in the military.

Ms Gate awkwardly laughed and then straightened up. 'Well, I must be off. If you need anything feel free to come and find me or these girls will be happy to help. Welcome to Westcheter University.' And with that she shut the door and left.

Roommates and Secret AdmiresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora