Medical Love One-Shot

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Hello Readers! I've been very quiet lately, I know, and the only recent activity I've done was recently post two Original stories.

Because I this, I've decided to post some new stories, all of which are finished. This is just one of perhaps four new stories. I've decided to publish one each Saturday, depending on how many votes and comments I receive.

This is so that you guys have time to read them, and that I have time to edit and get reviews. It's also because school is starting up again, and I need time to get back into a rhythm of balancing writing and school work. I will try to be more active from, now on, now that I have a feel for how swiftly High School works.

Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel

So, without any further ado, here it is!


*First Person Point of View ~ Unknown*

I felt dread wash over me like a wave as an all-too-familiar metal object rolled along the ground. It came to rest right at the Avengers' feet, giving them only a second to realize what it was before it exploded, sending them flying.

I watched, helpless, as they were all consumed by the bright flash emitted from the grenade. Panic sparked to life in my chest. No...

I was startled out of my thoughts as Director Fury's voice sounded through my comm. "Someone tell me what happened right now!" he demanded.

"The Avengers were taken out by a flash-bomb, sir," I responded.

"All of them?" Fury sounded angry.

I flinched at his tone, but answered, "No sir. It seems that the bomb was uneffective against Banner. The Hulk is still attacking as if nothing has happened," I replied, still looking down at the scene.

The flash had dimmed, revealing the Avengers once more, all lying unconscious amongst the rubble. I knew that I had to do something.

"I'm going in," I announced, grabbing a parachute.

"Anastasia, you stay put! Don't even think about it!" Fury ordered, but I ignored him.

"Stand down! You're not a fighter," Deputy Director Maria Hill said.

As I finished strapping the parachute onto my back, I said, "No, but I'm a medic. They need me down there. I can't just leave them."

I then pulled out the earpiece, tossing it aside. Opening the back hatch of the Quinjet, I grabbed my first aid kit and jumped out. The pilot screamed after me, but there was nothing he could do to stop me. I fell through the air fast, and pulled the cord, my parachute flying out, slowing my descent. I hit the ground, slipping out of the straps easily, and began running towards the Avengers.

I had to make sure that Natasha was alright. I could hear the Hulk, and saw him on the other side of the fort, bashing the HYDRA thugs with his large green fists. I pulled my gaze away from him-hoping that he knew I was on his side-and focused on finding the Avengers. Of course, seeing things from a bird's eye view is much different than seeing things from the ground. I sprinted in the direction I knew the rest of the Avengers to be in, but I still couldn't see them.

Finally coming over one of the snowy hills, I saw them. They lay amidst the crumbled stone walls of a bunker, all still out cold. The grenade must have been one of the new experiments that HYDRA had been working on, because nothing else could have downed the Avengers for this long.

I rushed to Steve's side, as he happened to be the closest to me. Dropping to my knees beside him, I saw that he was stirring. He sat up slowly, pressing a hand to his forehead, where a piece of debris had made a large gash. I immediately pulled open my first aid kit, assessing his wounds as I soaked a strip of gauze with disinfectant. I pushed him down, holding the gauze to his cut, which seemed to be the only real damage caused to him.

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