Cafe Cutie

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"Excuse me."

"?" The teal haired girl looks up from her book to meet my gaze.
"That book you're reading; Is it: I'll be here by Pandapātonā?" I ask. If it's not, I'll look stupid...
"Y-Yes, it is. Are you a fan of her work?" She asks me with a sweet smile on her face."Are you kidding me? I've been reading her stories ever since I was a child. I'm Kagamine Len; it's nice to meet you." I hold out my hand.
"Ah-...I'm Hatsune-
As she reaches for my hand she accidently tips over her cinnamon tea.
"Ah! Crap crap crap! It's hot...." It spills on her skirt, causing a big mess. I grab a couple napkins from nearby and clean up the spill. Since her skirt is basically the same color of her tea, the stain didn't really show. She stands up and tries to clean the mess on the table. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to spill my tea, it was an accident!" She bows repeatedly. "Ok ok, I get it-It's fine...Of course it was on accident. And since it wasn't on purpose, there's no need to be so apologetic." I brush it off."Oh-Ok. There's no need for you to help clean it up though." She crouches down to help me on the floor. "Nonsense. What kind of guy would I be if I didn't help a lady in distress? To be honest, it was kind of my fault." I scratch the back of my head. "Your fault? How could it have been your fault?" She looks at me curiously. "" I look away. I can't think of a good answer. While thinking of an excuse, I hear the girl giggle. "What?..." I ask her, my cheeks slightly pink. "You're blushing. You look so cute..." My face grows red and my heart begins to pound. She's so cute!
"C-Cute? If anyone's cute here than its you." I lower my red face. I can't believe I just said that...Idiot! Why?! What was I thinking? "Thank you." She says. "Huh?" I raise my head. "That's so nice of you to say." She stands up and so do I "By the way; I'm Hatsune Miku." She smiles shyly.


"Ehhh? You're still in college?" I nod. "No way...You seem way younger than that." She tells me. "Yeah...I get that a lot. Everytime I go to a bar, they always ask for my ID." I take a sip of my coffee. She giggles whole-heartedly. "What? Do I have something on my face?" I wipe my cheek. "No, nothing like that. I just don't understand how difficult it is to be mistaken for a Highschooler everywhere you go." She tells me. "Yeah...What about you?" I ask her. "Mm...guess." She says, taking a sip of her new cup of tea."Twenty....six?" I say jokingly "Eh?!" She yells."I'm joking, I'm joking! You're...19?" She calms down. "......" She nods. "Phew..." She looked as if she was about ready to kill me. So...she's still not legally ready to drink, huh? She's so cute and innocent.
I gaze at the teal haired girl as she begins reading. My eyes trail down to her cleavage. I blush and look away. "Kagamine?" She calls my name. "Yes?" I look up. "Are you dating anyone at the moment?" She asks me, not taking her eyes off from the book. "No, not yet." I say."Huh. Ok...May I ask why?" " I.... I'm not interested in girls right now." I look away."Ah...I didn't know you were into guys-
"Not like that! What I meant was; I'm not interested in dating anyone at the time. Geez...Did you seriously think I was into guys?" I cross my arms and puff out my cheeks. "Well..." "Eh?! So mean!" "Hahaha, I'm joking. Of course you don't seem that way. If you were, you wouldn't stare at me so much." Eh? She saw me?! I blush strongly. Her phone begins ringing. Miku looks at me to check if it's fine to answer it.
"Go ahead." She puts down her book and answers her phone. "Hello?" "Miku-chan! Whatcha doing?" It's a guy... "I'm at the cafe; why? Is something wrong?" She asks."Nope. Just wanted to check on you. Did you hear what happened on the news?" "Huh? No...What happened?" Miku's eyes widen"A girl was kidnapped around the area you live. Be careful walking home tonight. It's dangerous." The man hangs up. Was that... Her boyfriend? He seemed like it... I stand up from my chair and leave the cup of tea at the table.
"eh? K-Kagamine, wait a minute-
"What?"I turn around with a cold look on my face. "Ah...Is everything all right? You seem upset all of a sudden." She says worriedly. "Everything's fine. I was just about to go home because the sun is starting to go down." "Ok... Um-...Could you do me a favor? Please?" She bows deeply.


I end up walking her home. She said she doesn't live far from here so it was easy to walk legs are killing me. "Len?..." Miku calls out to me. "! Y-Yes?" She said my name out of nowhere...It startled me."Back then-At the cafe-...Were you...jealous of something? Because we're just friends...J-Just so you know..." "Huh?" I grow red at her statement. "G-Gomen'nasai! That was a stupid thing to say! Forget I said anything!-Mmm~..." I press my lips with her's. She closes her eyes and surrenders herself to me. I pull away.
"Cinnamon..." My finger caresses her bottom lip. She opens her eyes. They widen as she pulls away, clearly embarrassed by what just happened. "W-W-Why did you do that?!" "What? You didn't like it?" "I-I never said I didn't like it-Mmm~ I kiss her again. "K...Kagamine...Wait!" She gently shoves me away. "We barely even know each other..." She lowers her blushing face. "Gomen'nasai...I you. A lot." "Eh? But...We just met." She says shyly. "I always admire you from afar in the cafe. I love the way you sometimes spill your drink and how you take cute little nibbles off your croissant." "How is spilling a drink 50% of the time cute?...." She mumbles shyly."It shows how clumsy you are." I say, bluntly. "C-Clumsy?! So mean!!!" "Eh? It's the truth. You're cute when you're clumsy. You're...cute always!" "....This is my first time being confessed to; I don't know what to do...."
"Eh? S...Seriously?" I ask her. She nods. If this is her first time being confessed to...does that mean she's also a virgin?...I mean...seeing how cute and innocent she is...It doesn't really surprise me. I examine her, head to toe. "Hey, Hatsune..." I call out to her. "Yes?--!!! She trips. Eh? What did she even trip on?! "A-Are you okay?" I run up to her and ask. That was a pretty heavy fall for someone who tripped on nothing-- "S-Shut up!"


She sits on my bed as I treat her scraped knee. "Done." I finish wrapping her knee. "Better?" I raise my head and ask her. "Yeah...But it kinda stings." She lowers her head, tears in the corner of her eyes. Since she fell and scraped her knee, we decided to go to my house since her's was still a far way to go. I kiss her knee.
"There; Now it'll heal faster." I smile. She blushes and looks away.

"So, Are you going to stay the night here or do you want me to carry you home?" I ask her. "Um...I guess I'll stay here tonight...Is that ok?" "T...Totally! It's perfectly fine with me." "Thank you..." She says as I'm about finished tying up her wound. "No problem." I smile again. "U-Um..." She says. "Yes?" I lift my head half-way until something striped catches my eye. "Ah-..." My nose begins to bleed. "S-Sorry!" I quickly stand up and run to the bathroom. She peeks through the doorway to check on me. "Len, Is everything alright?"  She sets her hand on my shoulder as I try to stop my nose bleed. "Ah-Y-Yeah yeah! I just...Um...don't worry about it, hahaha..." I try to brush it off. "Ok...Do you want something to drink? Like tea or a glass of water?" She asks. "No, I'm fine. Thank you for offering." I wipe my nose and lift my head. Don't think about her pantsu. Think about something else, think about something else! "...Len?" She calls out my name. "?" I lift my blushing face to look at her."Are
...a virgin?" She asks, clutching her skirt.


"S-Sorry! I just wanted to-um-test something! Y'know?J-Just forget what I said-It was a stupid question anyways hahaha..." Nervously, she tries to brush it off. I take her hand and lead her to the bedroom. "L-Len?" She asks. I close the door behind us and begin taking my shirt off. "Len?!" She says frantically as she blushes deeply. I gently lay her down onto the bed. "W-Wait a minute! Don't you think this is going a bit too fast?!" "I don't...Like I said before: I like you. If I go slow I'll become impatient." I kiss her lightly. "Well...If you can't be slow then-at least be gentle..." She says, not looking me in the eyes. "Sure." I say smiling.

                   The End

Thank you for reading all the way to the end! This was a nightmare to type but it was fun. I hope you enjoyed the story. There'll be more so wipe that frown off your face.

Cafe CutieWhere stories live. Discover now