Part One

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Pearl looked at the note in her hand and approached the large brick building.

She streched up on her tip toes but couldn't reach the door handle.

"Let me get that for you." A large sunburned hang reached over Pearl's head and pulled open the door for her.

Pearl looked at him with big eyes, he had a large beard and a bad farmers tan. She quickly regained her composure and stuck her pointy nose in the air.

"Thank you." She huffed and walked into the building. The man scratched his bald head and shrugged and walked in behind her.

Pearl wandered that halls, unable to find the room labeled "315"

As she rounded the corner she ran into a very tall girl with orange hair who glared at her.

"Watch it!" the girl yelled and walked on, a short girl with blonde hair in an emerald green dress followed her.

"Clod!." The girl in green sneered and skipped after the tall one.

"C-clod?" Pearl blink confused.

"Ignore them, there just in Mrs. Diamonds class, they like to think there better than us." Pearl looked over and she was met with a other unusually tall girl with an afro wearing sunglasses.

"Hey look! G she has a pointy nose!" A short girl in purple appeared behind 'G's legs

"Amethyst be nice." She scolded, "I'm Garnet, this is Amethyst." She pointed with her thumb to the short girl.

"I am Pearl. I'm looking for room 315, could you possibly help me?" Pearl asked them.

"You're with Rose!" Amethyst yelled and grinned, "Follow us P!"

Garnet nodded and turned on her heel and lead her down the hall and into a class room, Amethyst scampers after her.

As Pearl enter the class room, she is greeted by a large, gorgeous woman with a head of rose colored hair

Part Two
By: Silent Strummer

"You must be Pearl, I'm Mrs. Rose." The woman kneeled down to Pearls height. Her voice was like the ocean and her smile like a blooming flower. Pearl stood in awe at this strange yet beautiful new person.

"I'm Pearl!" She squeaked and stood up straight.

"I know silly." Said Rose, giggling at the obviously excited new pupil. "our class is know as 'The Crystal Gems' I'm glad you could join us."

"I-I'm glad I could be here! Students like me usually aren't allowed in these kinds of classes..". Said the now slightly discouraged Pearl. Holding her shoulder and looking down at the floor in shame.
Rose then bent down slowly and lifted pearls head gently by her chin. "My dear Pearl..." Rose said in a soft and calming voice. "I have a feeling you're going to be a great addition to this classroom" She finished, looking over at garnet and winking. With Garnet then pulling down her glaring visor and winking back with her third eye.

Pearl took a deep breath and looked around. Slowly taking in the room and those around her, until she finally rested her eyes back on rose's with a slight luminescent blush in each of her cheeks. "P..promise Mrs. Rose?"

Rose giggled once more
"I promise". She then embraced Pearl.

Pearl ran her fingers through Mrs. Rose's long and curly hair. Blushing even more now. "I..i lo.." Pearl uttered. But said nothing else.....

To Be Continued...?

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 04, 2016 ⏰

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