Sea of Life

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You can't choose your life
You're born into this world
Lost and everything seems new
Everything seems sparkly and wonderful
Full of happiness and rainbows

You grow up and everything is different
You learn from your mistakes and everything starts turning dark
You are all grown up and enter a new world
Where once again you're lost in the sea of life
Everything you knew, everything you thought of, everything you dreamed of is all gone
Lost in what others want you to become, lost in what others think of you

Don't let them make you be something you aren't
For you have a heart full of passion
Full of life that they have lost
They lost it in the sea of life
And you are the lone survivor

For you knew everything looked wrong
Everything felt wrong
And your heart knew that you aren't like them
You are someone far greater than them

You've escaped this sea of life
And became something more beautiful than any flower
And gained so much power
And all it took was learning from those mistakes you've made

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