|1|: Quinn's Saving Grace

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She ran into Quentins arms crying.
"Its ok Donna."
"I'm sorry Quinn."
"Its ok Sweetie."
"I promise no more. It's just us against the world now."
"I know Hun...I know."
She looked up when he smiled brushing her arm softly.
"You ok?"
"I'm fine hun. Are you?"
"I'm better."
He smiles kissing her lips lightly.
"I'm glad."
"Yeah. Now that we are a team again I'm so much better."
"Good Sweetie. We need to keep you safe."
"Okay. Then do it."
"I am."
He smiles brushing blonde curls back from her face leaning forward. She smiled her cheeks a pink red color when she stood closer to him.
"I love you Quinn."
"I love you more."
"No I love you moreee."
"No I love you even morrrrreeeee."
She smile as he smiles chuckling.
"You win Quentin Lance."
He smiles touching the small of her back when she smiled standing with her body against his body dancing to the soft music.

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