Loss returned by another isnt a sin, only a promise.

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A cataclyst, is a natural gone dark. Two sides of the same coin,"
"I've never heard of a three sided coin, have you Rid?" A voice called from the door. It was light and mocking, instead of a touch of sarcasm however it was drenched. As he said those words, Ridley stiffened, her eyes blazing momentarily in childish fear, as if she had just been caught eating a birthday cake early
"Blake," she said, her bright falsetto returning as quickly as it had left. "A pleasure as always,"
"Enchanted I'm sure," the stranger replied, his blond white hair catching in the candlelight and sending iridescent light cascading from him. His eyes were no longer on Ridley though, instead his full focus was on Lena's furious expression. She still hadn't looked at him, Ethan thought.
"Calm down, sis. Don't let this plastic bitch bate you," and then Lena flinched, her eyes tearing from Ridley and her expression changing from one of hatred to shock.
"Blake," she spoke her green eyes wide, sounding as if she couldn't believe it. Ethan was staring at the stranger to, this person Lena's brother? It seemed to strange to even contemplate never mind consider, yet from the look in Lena's eyes he could tell it was true. He wondered why she had not mentioned him before.
"Blake, you agree don't you?" Ridley spoke again, "Lena will go dark as night. She can't hope to stop it, she's even darker than I was at her age,"
"And yet not half as dark as I," Blake said, his tone speaking of boredom and mild annoyance.
"But it's still likely she'll turn..." And she was cut off.
"Are you still here?" he said and lazily flicked his wrist in her direction. Sending her flying through the open window, screaming in that false tone the entire way. Blake casually strolled forward, taking Ridleys now open seat.
"Shall we begin?" He asked mildly and both Lena and Macon sat.

"How good it is to be back at Ravenwood." Blake said content idly helping himself to a sugar horse. "And this time bound to light? I must admit it does give the place a... More Kindly demeanour. Though I doubt that was your reason for doing it," he spoke in a slight British accent, Although beyond that there was no regional accent and certainly no southern twang.
"Blake," Macon said recovering, "surely you realise why it was prudent to bound this place against dark castors? Although I must admit that I am surprised that you could pass the boundary." It was phrased as a question Ethan thought bitterly, rather than the cleverly disguised orders that he was usually subjected too.
"But I am not dark," Blake said smiling, a hard note of bitterness in his tone. "Look at my eyes and you will see the truth," Ethan barely caught the imperceptible flick of eyes from everywhere in the room, he himself followed in suit. His eyes were green, though a darker shade than Lena's they were still brighter than average.
"How is this possible?" Macon asked in shock, "we were all certain you would turn dark, or rather remain dark."
Still with that bitter smile on his lips, Blake spoke. "Sometimes ones will is stronger even than ones nature,"
"But that would make you excelsi," Macon questioned and Blake smiled, it was full of teeth though like a wolves.
"Even so,"
There was silence in the room, nobody even breathed as they digested this information. Even Larkin ceased playing with his illusions enough to be wide eyed. Ethan though, was fixed on Lena's still shocked expression and the near blue of her lips. Her eyes were wider than normal and the pupils unnaturally dilated. Her breathing was forced and shallow as if she could barely manage to get enough air into her lungs and there were beads of perspiration on her forehead making her look even more feverish.
"Lena," Ethan shouted and Blake's eyes swung to him for the first time and widened in surprise.
"A mortal..." He started but then caught sight of his sister. He kicked back the chair so that it clattered to the floor and swung himself over the table to stand by her, gently touching her arm.
"I don't understand," he spluttered, now for the first time looking genuinely terrified.
The elderly woman who had previously sat opposite Macon at the head of the table moved forward with the quick efficient movements that the old must adapt. Pushing Blake out the way, She laid one hand on Lena's frozen arm and shut her eyes, her eyebrows furrowing in concentration. Minutes past by with no change until Lena slowly began to fill with colour, like an empty bottle filled with wine. Her pupils returning to there normal size and her breathing became more even.
"Seraphine," she choked out before slumping over the table, not dead but heavily unconscious.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2016 ⏰

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