Prolouge Mitch

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Um.. Hi I'm Mitch. I used to live in New York but I recently moved to Arlington Texas with my Bestfriend Kirstie.

I just turned 16 but our parents do everything together so of course we moved together. Kirstie lives a street down so the walk would be about 45 seconds to her house. We are starting Arlington High School soon.

I'm kind of scared... My mom is a drug addict and my dad is a alcoholic.. They have hit me and other stuff so I stay Alone locked up in my room all day. The only time I really ever speak to them is when I'm going over Kirstie's.

I wonder if I can get a girlfriend this year.. Me and Kirstie tried to date but it didn't work out because we will always be best friends and nothing more and nothing less.

I've heard about this "Scott Hoying" guy who is basically the biggest F-Boy in the school school. If he tries to touch Kirstie. I can't punch but I can slap pretty hard.

That's enough about me.

HAII!!! This is my first actual Scomiche Story Story so I really hope you like it! If you ever have any idea don't feel shy please give me suggestions because they probably will be in the chapter *Blows Kiss* GOOODBYYYE :D

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