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To start with : we're not English, so if we make mistakes, don't blame us. But please tell us, we'd like to know. We live in the Netherlands, a tiny place you can't find in maps so don't even bother. The Netherlands is not very well known for their English so yeah, we'll try.

I'm Bellatrix but in the story I'm Dyla, 13 years old. I love animals and I'm in Huffelpuff (According to the Pottermore test and myself) My favorite character is Bellatrix Lestrange. (matches perfectly with Huffelpuff :-D) I love the dark side of HP, so I don't really know what I'm doing in Huffelpuf. Soon I'm going to buy Bellatrix her wand and I painted the Dark Mark on my left arm with henna.
(I have to say I'm certainly not the biggest fan girl here)

I'm Hermoine but in the story I'm Iris,14 years old. I am in Gryffindor (also according to the Pottermore test and myself) and I love cats. I have Hermione's wand, a time turner and a bunch of other things. And I'm a HUGE fan girl.

I'm Ron, 12 years old, and my name in the story is Cia, a wild girl with big dreams. I'm also part of fandoms like Hungergames, Divergent, Harry Potter and Percy Jackson.  I'm glad you want to read our story, so sit down somewhere comfortable and relax and read a fan fiction from six fangirls. (And I'm a proud Huffelpuff)

I'm Dobby, in the story I'm Abby, 13 years old. I (also) have a cat obsession. I am in ravenclaw.       I am not a huge fan girl, but I think the Harry Potter books are the best books i have ever read. And I like to write books myself, but I have never the patient to finish them.

Hi, I'm Luna
In the story, my name will be Thalia and YES I stole that name from the Percy Jackson series, but I absolutely love it, just leave it alone okay.
I'm thirteen years old and my house is Ravenclaw or Slytherin, I haven't figured it out yet. So for now I stay with Slitherclaw.
I love love love cats, I think I'm gonna grow up and be a crazy cat lady, who reads Harry Potter fanfiction, and lives alone, with her cats.
I'm also obsessed with AVPM, so heads up for the reverences.  
My Fandoms are:
Harry potter
Percy Jackson
I always talk to much, so i will stop now.

Hi there, I'm Prongs,                                                      At first, thank you for reading our story!                      As I said, I'm Prongs, but in the story I'll be Katya.      I'm 12 years old and I like to go on adventures and playing jokes. I think that's one of the biggest similarities between me and James.                               My favorite spell is "Expecto Patronum" what means "I expect a patron".                                          I really wanna go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, it seems awesome!                                             Well, see ya later and have fun with our story!              "Misschief Managed!" /* ~ Prongs

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