The Black Dog's Bite.

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I lay there curled on the bed... for now, ever so peacefully.

I watch the curtains as they move with the wind, blowing the soft cool breeze into the room.  The only sound to be heard from anywhere is the calm beating of our hearts as he sleeps soundly. He'd wrapped his body around mine earlier and it was comforting for a short while, but I knew better now than to have him there when he awoke, It was always the same.

Flashes of bright lights, screams and distant memories flood my mind invading what peace I knew I had only for a short while longer... They die down as my heart settles to it's calm beating and again I watch as the light begins slowly creeping through the crack between the curtains.

I take in a deep breath, carefully standing as not to move the bed and wake him. I pull my arms  around myself missing the warmth of the covers already, walking slowly across the cold wooden floor to the window. I bring my hand to the patterned material and move it slightly peering to watch, as the stars fade,  the moon dims and the sun begins to show.

I stand, watching and waiting... Until I hear him wake.


Okay so this is the begining of my novel The Black Dog's Bite.

The title came from the fact that depression is sometimes called the black dog and if you havn't noticed so far the story isn't happy at this point in time.

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