Chapter 1: The Beginning

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It happened only a few days ago, although it seems like an eternity. It all happened so fast. Zombies now roamed. They're everywhere, and there is no way to stop it.
My little sister, Casey, who is 8, is with me. I am Kate. I am 19, and I am, well, was in my second year of college. I have short, dirty blonde hair, grey eyes, I am about 5'4, and i have taken gymnastics for 8 years of my life. Usually that isnt very important when you tell people about yourself, but, in this case, maybe somewhere in the future it will end up helping me.

When it was my father's birthday, I decided to surprise him by coming home unannounced. He was ecstatic.

I had spent a few days with them, when my mom and dad decided to take the opportunity of me being here to watch my sister, and both of them being off work, to spend a day together.

That is when everything went wrong. All hell broke loose in my city. After a few hours, when things seemed calmer, if that's the word you could use for this situation, I took my sister and drove down to the armory that one of my fathers friends managed.

He was no where to be found, but I took the back entrance and got all of the ammo that I needed, along with some guns, knives, and an axe. I drove back to my house, and that's when I found a man inside trying to raid it.

I pointed a gun at his head, just enough so he could feel the barrel graze the back of it, and said,"Turn around, drop the stuff, and leave now. This is my house." He complied, and dropped his things, turning around. "Okay, okay, no need to get aggressive here. Everything's fine. I'll go right now.." He backed, up and was about to leave, when all of a sudden he screamed out,"Watch out!" But it was too late, my shoulders got grabbed, and i felt myself fall to the ground. I smelled this horrible scent in my nose, and felt blood drip onto my shoulder.
I looked up, and was staring into the milky white eyes of the dead. I screamed, pushing its decaying face away from mine, but, unable to overcome him, my arms seemed to fail me. I closed my eyes, expecting to feel an overwhelming pain somewhere on me where i would eventually die, overcome by the virus immediately, depending on where I would get torn to shreds. But it never came.

Instead, I heard it screech in agony, but not death. I open my eyes, and the man pulled it off of me, throwing it to the ground next to me, bashing its head with a hammer that he held only a moment before. Blood sprayed across my face as he gave it one last hit, before it lay unmoving, dead, once more.

"Are you alright?" He asked, holding out his hand to me to help me up. I reluctantly grabbed it, and he pulled me up, letting go immediately. "Fine. Thank you." I replied. "Is anyone else here?" I asked, looking around. "No. Im alone." He said. "You can come with me, but," she says, pausing. "This doesn't mean we're a team. You're just tagging along, okay?" I finished. "Got it." He said.

Then I heard a scream coming from outside. I grab my gun from the floor, and run out. There is a zombie outside the car, hitting the window trying to get inside to Casey.

I aim the gun at its head, and pull the trigger, and it falls to the ground beside the car. I put the gun in its holster, and run up to the car, opening the door, and I grab Casey and run inside, closing the door behind me, putting her down. "Are you okay sweetie?" I ask, bending down to hug her and kiss her forehead.

She nods her head, scared, but fine. "Good.." I said. "Okay, listen. Im gonna go upstairs and pack stuff up, okay? Sit at the bottom of the stairs, and if anything seems wrong to you or you hear anything, tell me, okay?" I explain, her nodding her head in response.

After a while, I pack clothes, and supplies, and carefully go outside, packing it all up in the car.

"Okay. Let's head out. We can't stay here." I said, loud enough for Scott. I found out his name as we talked, when he was helping me pack up food and supplies in the kitchen. I come down the stairs, changed into jeans, boots, a grey, long-sleeve workout shirt, and a camo vest. I put my hair up into two french braids, because my hair is too short to put up into a bun. My gun is in its holster, and I grab my backpack with the essentials in it, and throw it over my shoulder.

We head out, and get in the car trying not to make noise and attract zombies. "But what about mommy and daddy?" Casey said as I backed out of the driveway. 'She's right.. I can't just leave. But I can't try and find them, and risk her getting hurt.' I thought to myself. "Kate?" Casey asked, reaching towards me, holding out her hand. I reached back, grabbing it, saying,"Okay, we will look for them. They went to the park after they went to lunch together so we will go there. But you have to promise me that you'll stay in the car, okay?" I say, turning, finally letting go of her small hand in mine. She nods, eager to see them. 'I hope they'll be there. Okay..' I thought to myself once more, sort of not wanting to find out what might've happened to them.

We get to the park, and I drive up to the lot. No ones there. "Okay, sweetie, stay in the car, okay? I'll be right back." I turn to Scott before I get out, and say softly enough so Casey won't hear,"You even think about taking the car, or letting anything get to her, I swear I will hunt you down, and kill you. Got it?" He nods his head, assuring me. "Trust me, you don't have to worry." He said. "Good, I hope so." I say, opening the door, and getting out, locking it as I walk away. I reach for my gun in its holster, seeing something in the distance. I gradually get there, ducking behind trees, never letting my guard down. I got close enough to see them, and they are not who I thought they were. Or, what I thought they were, really. They were people. No. They were my parents. My mom was sitting on the ground, next to my father.

"Mom, dad!" I say, quietly so I don't attract things. "Sweetie, oh my goodness, your okay.. good. Where's Casey?" My mom says to me as I run up to her. "She is in the SUV. I'm so glad to see you bo-" I walk up to them, and then I see my dad. He looks horrible. Blood all over him. "D-dad?" I manage to say. "Mom.. You..too?" I say, with wide eyes. I looked at my mom's shoulder and shirt, astonished. "Sweetie. I know. We.. we got attacked. We were across the street eating when it happened. We ran, but.. your father. He.. He protected me.. He collapsed here.." My mom's words trail off in to nothing. She looked down at him once more, his heavy breaths the only sound between us. "Kate.. we are both bitten. I've seen what it does. What we will become. We can't become that. I can't. Especially with you here. I don't want to know that you'll be attacked by me. By him. I don't want that." She pauses, and looks at the gun in my hand. I know what she means. Then her face goes pale, and she holds herself up, trying not to fall. Not to cry. "Sweetie, I want you to-" she doesn't get to finish as I interrupt her. "No! No, I won't! Mom! I can't. I can't do that to you!" I say loudly, tears in my eyes. "You have to. You and I both know that." She says, trying to be brave; for me. "But.. you're my parents.." I say, trembling at the thought. "I know. But, soon, we will turn. I know it. You just have to do it." She says to me, choking back her tears. She finally leans up against the tree and closes her eyes. "Mom?" I say softly. "Katey.." She whispers. "I love you so much. Nothing will ever change that.." She finishes, her voice finally trailing off. I sit next to her, tears falling down my face, hitting my shirt for what seems like forever. When it's time, I finally stand, wiping my tears. "I love you both so much." I say. My hand shakes as I lift the gun up, pointing it at my father first. Bang. The gun fires, and the bullet goes through the barrel, and kills him. Then my mother. Bang. I look at what I've done, and I fall to my knees, dropping the gun, I put my hands on my face and cry. 'They're gone.' I think. And they are. They're really gone. I lift my face up, and wipe my tears. I look at my jeans. Blood. Their blood. On me. Oh god. "Hey.." someone says behind me. I quickly turn around and see that its Scott. "What are you doing here? Where's my sister?" I ask, standing up. "She is fine. She's in the car. I locked it... I'm sorry." He said, briefly looking at my parents behind me. "You saw?" I say, and he nods his head. I wipe my tears. "Let's go." I say, walking back to the car. "But-" "I'm fine, Scott." I interrupt. I briskly walked back to the car.

I get in. "Hey Casey. Sorry it took so long. I searched the whole park. They're not here." I said. I look over at Scott as he gets in, looking at me. I just give him a look that says 'Not now.' And he nods back at me. "Okay.. I wonder where they are.." Casey says. "Yea.. me too. But, hey, you know what? I bet they're fine." I say, putting on a fake smile, looking back at her. "You think?" She says, moving her head to the side. "Yea. I do." I say, reassuring her. She smiles, and looks out the window as i drive away, and my smile fades, knowing what-- who, I'm leaving behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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