Chapter 1

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Have you heard of the hedgehog's dilemma?


When I have a bad day, I stargaze. When I'm angry, I stargaze. When I can't sleep, I stargaze. Pretty much in any situation, I stargaze. I've done it ever since I was little and stuck to it. It was calming to me. Almost felt like my little solitude from the world.

Tonight was one of those nights.

I was lying in bed, my eyes staring up at the white ceiling of my bedroom, trying to sleep but for some reason couldn't. It's not really surprising by now... Misato did always pester me to get checked for insomnia or something, but I never really got around to it...Maybe paranoia? Well I don't have a test tomorrow or anything to stress about.

So why am I still awake.

I let out a silent sigh and turned towards the clock.

1:34 AM.

Now I'm definitely not going to get any sleep, I thought miserably. Letting out another sigh, I sat up and grabbed my music player along with my earbuds.

Flipping on the light before I tripped on anything, I headed towards the kitchen. Well, kitchenette to be more specific. A counter, stove, fridge...Definition of a kitchenette.

I filled the kettle with water and added a tea bag inside before setting it on the stove. Turning it on, I leaned on the counter waiting for the water to boil. Staring up at the ceiling, my mind started to drift.

It's been three years since I moved out of Misato's place.

It has also been another three years since I've seen my dad.

After my mother died, my father was never the same. He engulfed himself in work and rarely ever came home. And when he did, it was for a brief day or two before going off again. I was all alone. School wasn't very welcoming either. No one wanted to be my friend and I was fine with that. I would be too much of a burden to them after all.

As soon as I was old enough, my father kicked me out of the house and made me live with one of his coworkers Misato. She was loud, inappropriate, drunk...but she was also caring. In the end, I managed to survive on microwaved dishes for three years before my dad decided that I was old enough to live on my own, renting an apartment. I was devastated when Misato told me the news but she told me it was for the best. I still keep in touch with her but lately, she hasn't been replying.

Probably going on dates with her boyfriend.

Soon the whistle of the kettle filled the air and I turned off the stove. Grabbing a mug from the cupboard, I tilted the kettle and filled the cup with steaming tea.

By now, this was almost like a routine. Grab the sleeping bag, a pillow, make a cup of tea and head down to the courtyard. For some reason there was a grand piano there. No one knew where it came from and no one questioned it.

I placed the sleeping bag next to the stool along with the pillow and plopped down on top. The cup in my hands warmed me a bit as I stared up at the sky. Every single time I do this, by the time it's morning I have a crick in my neck. It's a bit funny if you ask me.

I blew the steam away from the top of the cup and took a sip from the hot drink. Even with the scalding burn on my tongue, I continued to drink from the cup. A single earbud was in my ear, continuing to play a song on repeat. A few minutes later all that was left was an empty mug. I stretched my arms out and rubbed the back of my neck. It was already starting to get sore.

I laid in the sleeping bag, looking up at the sky. The stars never showed in this part of Japan, the lights always blinking out the stars. But just staring up at the clouded sky...

The gesture was enough.

All of a sudden I heard humming. It was serene...Almost lulling me to sleep. Ode to Joy I believe? Kind of ironic if you ask... In a world where simple pleasures are almost non existent...

But who's humming?

The humming soon came to a stop, leaving me with the noises of the city once more. Of course human curiosity took over and I sat up, looking around before I saw him.

There, sitting on a fire escape, was a boy. His legs were hanging over the side of the escape, a small smirk gracing his lips. His pearly white hair shined in the moonlight along with his twinkling red eyes. The two of us stayed like this for a while, red staring into blue, blue staring into red. It must have been only seconds before the white haired boy spoke.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?"he asked, his smirk growing wider.


A/N: After many, maaaaaany long months, here it is. The first chapter of Stargazing. Geez I procrastinate too much. Well this is going to be eight chapters long (at least) so expect that during Thanksgiving break or winter break as a present. (and i cant seem to write more than 900+ words...I cri..) Also, on another note, the next chapters will be in third POV because I started writing this in first person and it sounded weird in third so yeah. Third POV is more of my forte.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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