Randy's lil sister

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'Hey loser. What you up to?'

'Eating in catering. Why?'

'Oh, no reason, no reason at all, except for the fact that you little sister is here to see you and you seemed to have forgotten...how rude. L'

'Oh shit! You're here?'
'In the flesh big brother. I'm standing outside, in the front let me in!'
You couldn't help the smile that graced your face as you pushed the button on top of your phone, shutting it off, you placed it in your pocket afterward.

It was Monday and you had been waiting a couple of months for this. Not only was Monday Night Raw back in your, sorta hometown, for now-but your older brother Randy Orton was finally here and you'd get to see him and maybe meet several superstars today. Just because you were related to Randy didn't mean you were part of the WWE family like some people thought. You ran a busy schedule, what with your schooling and work life which pretty much left no room for traveling or much of anything at all really. You hadn't even been on a date in you didn't even know how long.

One of the doors, beside the box office you were standing in front of, opened abruptly, startling you and you and you turned quickly seeing your brother leaning out the doorway, smiling at you. "Well?"
The smile overtook your face as you ran over launching yourself into your brother's arms.

"It's been forever! How are you? What's been going on? Mom says she hasn't heard from you in forever. What do you-"
Randy chuckled, interrupting your rambling. "Whoa, runt, slow down. I can only answer one thing at a time. How are you," He asked pulling you back at arm's length to study you. "You look good."

You narrowed your eyes at your brother, crossing your arms in front of you. "Of course I do and what did I tell you about calling me runt, Randy?"
Randy laughed, grabbing one of your hands to drag you with him towards the backstage part of the arena. "I honestly didn't know you were going to show up today, [Y/N]. I mean I know you had talked about it but you stay busy, always talking about all that fashion junk and shit."

You scoffed, maneuvering yourself a little to one side to avoid incoming people once you and Randy had made it to a backstage corridor. "Fashion is what I'm trying to major in doof and breaks are good every once in a while or so you, mom and dad try to tell me all the time."
Randy nodded, stopping in front of a room sporting an empty name plaque on the door; you looked at it before looking at him in confusion.
"My locker room," He shrugged pushing the door open and you followed behind him, kicking the door with your heel nearly hitting the person appearing in the doorway a moment later. You heard the quick slap and you quickly moved out of the way turning to face the door with wide eyes.

"Oh crap! I'm so sorry; I didn't know anyone was there. I was just shutting the door. I didn't mean to-"
You sentence trailed off when you took in the three big mean adorning the doorway. Holy shit! It was 'The Shield'.
"No harm done babe," Dean gave you a wink before turning his attention to Randy and you couldn't help but blush as you looked to Seth who gave you a huge smile and finally your attention was on the last man in the room. Your blush deepened as you glanced at Roman, he gazed at you and you heard Randy clear his throat shaking you out of your almost trance.

There was just something about that man...

You shied away as Randy passed you to meet up with the three in the doorway to discuss whatever it was needed discussing. You didn't know...
You were just getting comfortable on the leather couch, snatching up one of many magazines on the table in front of you when you Randy spoke up gathering your attention. "Hey, [Y/N] we're gonna head out to the ring to plan out Roman's match with Daniel, you gonna be cool staying here?"

"Yeah, sure," You responded back quickly, turning your attention to the gossip magazine. Oh cool, look an Indian-American Miss America. The door closed behind the four and you were left alone to your own devices until your brother decided to make his way back before the start of the show. Once their heavy footsteps disappeared down the hall you let out a sigh, closing the magazine tossing it onto the table. Oh who were you kidding? You were freaking out on the inside. There was no way you could concentrate on something as silly as a gossip mag. You had just seen the Shield!

It was only about a half an hour later when your brother made his way back into the locker room with two waters in his hand. "Been alright," He asked you.
You turned your attention from the television in front of you briefly- you hadn't been aware that Randy had made it back.
"Yeah, everything is peachy," You said with a smile. "Everything go alright out there," You asked him as your eyes flickered to the door for a lone second before you looked at him once more.

Randy smiled sitting down beside you, dropping a bottle in your lap. "Yeah, we think we have it. This should be a good match."
You smiled, picking the water up, opening it to take a good, long swig. Just as you were twisting the lid back onto the bottle your stomach decided to let out a loud rumble, disturbing the silence in the room. Randy looked at you in amusement and you couldn't help the little blush that popped up on your cheeks.
"Someone hungry?" He chuckled.
"Shut up," You moaned, slugging him in his arm. You hopped up quickly and Randy couldn't help but follow wondering where you were off to. "You don't have to follow me."
But Randy did just that as you made it over to the door. "Where are you going," He asked as you opened the door.

"Chill, dad, I'm going to go find something to eat. There are some vending machines around here aren't there?
Randy looked hesitant and walked around to stand in front of you. "I'll get you something. What do you want?"

You opened your mouth to speak and Randy shook his head interrupting you. "Never mind that. I'll just grab a couple of things and you can make do with whatever I get you ok?" Before you could even answer Randy was already out of the door and halfway down the hall. You shook your head, rolling your eyes at your brother's unneeded protection but frowned when you saw him stop and talk to someone around the corner out of your eyesight. Seconds later you saw Roman Reigns round the corner with a couple of nods in your brother's direction.

You stopped short. Wait...what? Now he was assigning a baby sitter for you?! Granted it was Roman but really?!
Roman made it over to you in a couple of strides and you looked up at him in surprise before your eyes narrowed. "Let me guess...he sent me a body guard. Honestly Roman I'm fine, I'm a big girl. I don't need someone watching me when I-"
Roman chuckled, placing a hand on one of your shoulders stopping you. "He just told me to keep an eye out is all. I don't even think he mentioned entering the room."

You stared at Roman for a moment before you backed up into the room, motioning for him to follow you with a tilt of your head. "Well, I'm not rude and I don't need a bodyguard or anything so you're welcome to come in if you'd like, sit down for a minute. He shouldn't be long."
Roman followed you into the room and took a seat beside you. You flipped on the TV fully prepared to watch the show and wait for your brother to come back but you found you couldn't concentrate while Roman was in the room with you.
Despite your annoyance at your brother you couldn't help but feel like a little school girl in front of Roman.
Who wouldn't? He was Roman Reigns!

You spared a small glance out of the side of your eyes seeing Roman watch the television in front of you two, glancing at you every great once in a while when he thought you weren't looking.
You let out a shaky breath and he looked at you, his expression curious.
"So uh...how's it going," You asked awkwardly as you cringed on the inside at that. Really? How's it going? Is that the best you could come up?

Roman chuckled a little, sitting back a little to stare at you. "I'm good, can't complain. How are you..." Roman frowned letting his sentence trail off and you immediately picked up on his confusion supplying your name.
"[Y/N]" Roman said lowly, nodding his head while he tested out your name. "Nice to meet you [Y/N], I'm Roman."

You shook your head at him, a smirk building on your face and he gave you a small grin extending his hand out to shake yours but instead of shaking it he placed a small kiss on the top of your hand surprising you. You blushed, ducking your head a little before you spoke up. "You do this with all the girls?"
"Nah, only my biggest fans." He winked at you and you felt as if your blush would darken if you didn't look away. Roman gave your hand a squeeze and your eyes widened momentarily before you slowly pulled it out of his grip and turned back to face the TV, choosing to watch something instead of embarrass yourself.

Roman had other ideas.
"So, how come I haven't seen you backstage before now? I figured with Randy being your brother you'd be around quite a bit."
"You'd think that," You said looking over at him briefly before looking at the show on the television once more. "But I really don't have any time to hang around backstage at all the different venues and don't really have the money."
"I'm sure Randy would cover that."
"I'm sure he would," You answered back curtly.

Roman pulled back a little in surprise at your tone and you squeezed your eyes shut, sighing.
"Crap. I'm sorry about that. I'm uh...you have to excuse me here. I'm a little hungry and kind of, well um, tired," You lied.
Food was actually the last thing on your mind right now. You were trying not to make a fool of yourself in front of this man

Roman nodded settling back into the couch. You watched him and mentally berated yourself for screwing up your conversation with him already.
"So...what makes you think I'm a big fan of yours," You said quickly and again you were wondering where your head was at the moment because it sure wasn't on this plane.
Roman smiled; looking over at you and you couldn't help but watch him. "I'm just kind of hoping," He said with a shrug.

You couldn't help it, you laughed.
"Well lucky you, you're actually right."
Roman's smile grew and your laughing died out as you sighed, a dreamy look overtaking your features.
"What," Roman asked with a chuckle. You straightened up quickly, your eyes wide.
"Huh? What?"
"Did you just say I was pretty," Roman asked slowly, almost as if he didn't believe you had called him that.
"I, er, yes," You said quietly.
The Samoan superstar laughed and you shook your head, turning away.
"No, wait. It's cool. Just never got that one before. Thank you," He said, placing a hand on your shoulder.
"I didn't mean to say that...that was completely stupid." You sighed.
"I liked it," Roman grinned. "If it helps I find you pretty too."

You shook your head even more trying not to blush. You really weren't that big of a blusher so tonight was really throwing you for a loop. Why couldn't you keep yourself in check right now? You were normally so good at it!
"Thank you," You mumbled, deciding you'd just sit stock still and watch TV or the wall now. Enough of this...
"So pretty girl, can I get your number," Roman spoke up again.
You rolled your eyes figuring he was just messing with you now. "Stop it," You hissed. Roman shook his head chuckling.

"I'm serious."
You dared to look over at him and although he was still smiling you could tell he was pretty darn serious.
"You don't even know me," You said in shock and he nodded again.
"That's the point of exchanging numbers. I figured I could text you, maybe call you a few times and see if anything could come of us talking," He responded back smoothly and you found yourself falling for his charm.

"Ok, but Roman I swear to god if you're a crazy person I will not hesitate to not only have my brothers kick your ass but also me," You warned. "Hell, maybe my whole family actually!"
Once again Roman was laughing. "You got attitude girl, I know I won't regret this now!"
You shook your head before laughing yourself. "Well...I am an Orton."
Roman quickly reached into one of his jean pockets pulling out his phone; he pushed a few buttons before handing it to you. "Here, just put in your number and I'm a lucky guy."
"Mmhhmm," You answered, taking the phone from him, typing your number in quickly. You handed it back and he smirked at you before he proceeded to take a quick picture of you and you gasped. "Roman!" You smacked his arm with the back of your hand and he tilted his head, raising his eyebrows.

"Hey, need your beautiful face with the number," He said as if it was the best explanation in the world.
"Hmph." You glared, crossing your arms
Roman looked down at his phone, pushing a button and your phone started to vibrate in your pocket. He quickly pushed another button and slipped his phone back in its rightful spot. "And now you have mine."
He smiled at you and you watched him. "So what do you think our first date should be," He asked you and you scoffed

"Boy, someone sure is cocky. The TV sure doesn't show this side of you." Roman winked at you and you bit your lip. "Depends on the time of day. Do you mean tonight?"
"Nah...I figured you'd be too full to have a late dinner or anything and I don't really think taking you to a club would be ideal."
You nodded. "Ok, well I guess we can always figure it out later." You heard a commotion outside the room and looked at the door for a second before turning back to Roman giving him a wink of your own.

He perked up but didn't have much time to respond before your brother entered the room.
"There you are," He said out of breath. "You didn't need to come in here man, I just asked you to keep an eye out for any people trying to get inside to mess with me."
Roman went to speak but you beat him to it, jumping up to snatch the cafeteria tray from Randy. "I told him I could use the company." You looked back at Roman just as he was standing up preparing to leave.

"So can I call you later," Roman asked, looking down at you pointedly and you were surprised at the hopeful look showing on his face. Hadn't you guys just sat and talked about this? Hadn't he just chatted up a good game, flirting with you? You weren't sure what to do with this side of Roman.

"Yes silly," You stuck your tongue out at him playfully and Roman smiled, tucking a lose strand of your hair behind your ear causing your breath to catch in your throat. He leaned forward speaking in a low enough tone for your ears only.
"Can't go hiding that pretty face now."

You huffed, halfheartedly pushing at a shoulder and he chuckled walking around you and over towards Randy who was staring at him in confusion. "See you out there." He gave a nod to your brother and then he was on his way.
"Call me," You couldn't help but tease before you finally sat back down, situating yourself on the couch, tray in lap now.

"Um...what the hell was that," Randy asked, his eyes narrowed.
"Flirting," You sang out, digging into your food a moment later.
You smiled thinking about talking to Roman at a later time as Randy sat and grilled you about what happened while he was gone.

You definitely wouldn't mind doing so more flirting later on.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2013 ⏰

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