Swiggity Swag Tiggity Tag

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Hi! So I was tagged in this by crazy_fangirl1234 !

So enjoy!


1. You must post them.

2. You must answer all 13 questions and ask 13 more.

3. You must tag 13 people.

4. You can't say "I don't do tags."

(Ps if you don't want to do it I don't care. It's your life. Do what you want as long as it's legal.)

5. You have 1 week to do the tag.

6. Make a creative title


1. Favorite color and least favorite color?

My favorite is black and my least favorite is pink.

2. Eye color?


3. If today was your last day alive what would you do?

I would tell Riversong453 I love her and I would listen to all the twenty øne piløts, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, Pierce the Veil, Blink 182, Melanie Martinez, Troye Sivan, Halsey and Black Veil Brides songs. Then I would have a Dan and Phil marathon and eat lots of unhealthy food. Then if I have any leftover time, say goodbye to all my pets, family, and friends.

4. Favorite album ever?

I have no clue. If I had to pick one it would be Troye's album, Blue Neighborhood, because I went to his concert, and he's the first artist I found by myself, and his music helped me deal with coming out to myself and then others.

5. Top 3 favorite books?

If I had to choose:

1. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling

2. Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

3. The Amazing Book is Not On Fire by Dan Howell and Phil Lester

6. Five random facts about yourself?

1. I love horseback riding.

2. If you touch my neck I will eviscerate you.

3. I like to use big words like eviscerate to confuse people.

4. I play the guitar, ukulele, and flute.

5. I bought the limited addition twenty øne piløts ukulele, and I love it with all my heart.

7. Your favorite thing to do in your spare time?

Obsess over fictional characters.

8. First word that comes into your head?


9. Cats or dogs?

I have 2 cats and I just got a dog and I love them equally so I'm just gonna say both.

10. Favorite ice cream flavor?

Mint chocolate chip.

11. What will the year 4000 be like?

Everyone will be overweight and dying of cancer and the Earth will be extremely overheated because of global warming and polluted. The world will be ruled by Google, and homophobia, transphobia, and racism won't exist.

12. Random joke?

My life.

13. What would you say to someone who is reading this right now?

You are perfect no matter what others say (unless you like killed someone or something) and you should love yourself for you. It took me so long to even except myself for who I was and I'm so far from loving myself, but at least I'm trying. So, make me happy, and try to love yourself. For me. When you look in the mirror, look at the good things. When you're sad, write it in a diary instead of taking it out in yourself. I know it's hard (coming from someone with extreme depression and anxiety), but please try. And remember, I love each and every one of you!


People I'm tagging:


Questions For People Tagged:

1. What's your favorite genre of music?

2. Do you have and music recommendations?

3. If you could choose, what would your name be?

4. Gay? Straight? Bi? Pan? Demi? Ace? Questioning? Other?

5. Trans? Cis? Queer?

6. Dinosaurs or dragons?

7. An interesting fact about you that no one would guess?

8. What's your lucky number?

9. Glass half empty or half full?

10. Otp? NoTP?

11. Favorite show/anime?

12. Any pets?

13. What's your favorite thing about yourself?

Swiggity Swag Tiggity TagWhere stories live. Discover now