The Unwilling Participant

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"How be caught up in a game and have no idea of the rules."

Caroline Stevermer, Sorcery & Cecelia: or The Enchanted Chocolate Pot

Her back is killing her. Her feet ache and her whole body just feels as if she was run over by a road roller of sorts.

Arranging two engagements in the span of five days is no mean task, even if one of the said engagements happened to be a fake one, because the other was of the big fat Punjabi kind. Mihir and Mihika deserve to be together and so she had carried on with the work without any complaints.

With her being Mihir' Bhabhi - the eldest Bhalla bahu - the responsibility of arranging all things regarding Mihir' marriage came to her. Being Mihika' sister she had to play along in the fake engagement plan too, since it was her idea one in which her family supported her no questions asked and there was so much work to be done for all and any rituals not to mention the shopping and the other array of activities. She barely had time to breathe when Raman announced they would be performing a dance - salsa at that on the day of the engagement.

She was taken aback at first because she knew Salsa isn't easy to perform and just a few sessions doesn't make anyone a pro at it - she has learned the form for years to know it very well. It worried her how will she perform with Raman who she could tell does not know the form.

It had been so long since she danced - something she enjoyed and loved so very much. Subu had learned the form with her and together they had won those two competitions in their college too. She has had so many memories associated with the form - all of them bittersweet now, initially it was overwhelming to even think of matching steps with Raman - someone else while she made those similar moves. Though once they began somehow, the joy of dancing took over her, she felt so alive and free again, and she felt happy. It did not even seem that strange after her initial hesitation to be dancing with Raman - yes, he grumbled and was his usual self whenever he goofed up which he would blame on her but she observed he was a quick learner and would put in all his effort to perfect himself. Slowly it became fun matching steps with him, especially since she knew he practiced solo just to put his best foot forward literally.

Being the more experienced partner, she remained patient and since it was silly to expect him to catch up to her, she attuned herself to him and they were finding their rhythm.

She had been so excited about performing after years; she wanted this performance to be brilliant - not just because it was her first in so long but also because she wanted Raman to be happy. He had really worked hard, she knew how much he had strained himself for this, and she wanted his efforts to be recognized.

Only the evening turned out to be even more eventful than what she had anticipated - had in mind. Yes, the engagement fiasco happened at last and Mihir spoke up finally, the cat was out of the bag. She is happy for both the couples Mihir Mihika and Trisha and Neil. Neil was Trisha' boyfriend in reality not Romi as she had assumed, Trisha was playing along to buy time to elope with him with this fake engagement - she feared their love wouldn't be accepted by her family - hardcore Punjabis since he is a Gujarati.

She ought to kill for a couple of hours of decent sleep tonight after the whole shebang but instead her eyes will not close and her overactive mind will not let her exhausted body catch her eight hours of sleep. It is another matter though; she never wants to move again in her life or at least the next couple of days.

The reason she is still awake is of course snoozing blissfully less than two feet away from her beside their daughter.

What does he want?

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 06, 2016 ⏰

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