Tumbling Downhill

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Anikame's POV;

Hi. My name is Anikame of the Founder western wolf pack. Well... I used to be part of that pack, but now, I've-- well let me just tell you my story from the beginning...

I was born April 1st, so my siblings thought I would be hilarious... But I think jokes make no sense... Also I  stutter a lot... I wrote this down, so there's no stuttering in this journal...

Anyways, I have five siblings, or more... I don't know because I left a few years ago... But let's not get into that...

My siblings soon found out I wasn't funny, but just a joke... I'm the runt, because I was born a few days after my siblings... Which is usually impossible for animals that are born in litters... But they were born all 3 days before me... On... March 28 I think? But I was born late... Anyways-- also, I change the subject a lot... So sorry if I confuse whoever you are, reading this...

ANYWAYS!! My siblings, at first ignored me, until they learned how to hunt, then, the abuse started...
First, Amuneise, which means Amnesia, the eldest,
started to bite me, not nip at my heels, but, bite me, like, drawing blood from my leg, and my mother didn't give a crap... She thought I was in on it, that it was a simple hunting game, and they'd smile, watching us, as blood would drip down my front, left leg... I tried to hide my pain in my face, but it made me screech, making it hurt worse, I limped over to my father, Zanimasic,(I know a long name for a wolf, am I right?), he knows they are hurting me, but he can't do anything to my siblings, or my
mother would divorce him... So all he can do is tend to my 'battle wounds'  as he calls them, because for me, it's a battle, for life or death... I always lose, hanging onto life with a thread, hoping the light, shining in the corner of my eye, every day, won't pull me in with force, and make my life disappear...

Hey guys!! Hope you like this first part of this story!! Also, follow enderthecreepypasta, my best friend!! She mainly writes about Creepypastas, but she's awesome either way!! Love you guys!! Please don't put hate comments!! Also, since the school year started just recently, I won't be able to update as much!! Sorry for that!! Any who!! Next chapter will be different perspective, Sasumanei, is the next wolf on the list!! So please stay tuned for his side of the story!! ❤❤❤ Live,
                                               And enjoy!!❤❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2016 ⏰

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