Majestic Whale Porn.

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*Hollaback Girl plays in the background as Pepe walks out of the sunset into the screen wearing daisy dukes with his hand on his hip sassily*
*Music fades as he walks into a restaurant*

Pepe was sexy and all the boys wanted him.
He sat down at the bar and immediately they all started coming on to him.
"Shawty, Whaz yo name?" Tyrone yelled.
"Here comes dat boi! shit whaddup?" Dat boi said.
"So can I buy you a drink?" Feelings guy asked politely.
"Yo gurlllll wazzup?" Shaniqua and Becky asked simultaneously.

He turned to Pizza Steve and sighed breathily.
He only mildly wanted to bang the others but oh how he ever so pined for this one..
He really wanted to see what this smoking hot piece of ass had to say about him. He tried to play it cool as he spoke though a twinge nervousness seeped into his voice.
"What about you..? You got anything to say..?"

'Cool story bro.. PIZZA STEVE!'
From that moment on he knew he was in love and there was one thing to do... He had to convert him to memeism.
He made the shrine of memes, he must convince him to worship him at his church the church of Pepe. Worship him and his memey gloriousness. Accept him as the one and only savior and lord.. all that jazz.

..And then they sucked each other's dicks

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2016 ⏰

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