Chapter 1

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Tomika's POV
My alarm goes off at 5:30 in the morning,why am I up so early you ask? Well my parents don't get up until 7 so I have to make breakfast for myself and for them,if I don't do that,they abuse me...I know I should be talking to a guidance counsellor or something but,even though they abuse me,they're still my parents,I should atleast be thankful that they kept me...I guess,I get ready which only took about 20-30 minutes and I went to the kitchen
I turn around and saw Zack at my window,I gave him the middle finger and opened the window for him
Me:Be quite you idiot my parents are still asleep
I whisper yell at him,This is Zack Mooneyham, be honest,I don't really know what he is to me,he just came up to me,summer,my best friend and Lawrence my best guy friend,he said he's in our class,but I've never seen him before,guess I wasn't "Socializing" enough,
Zack:So what's for breakfast?
Me:I am not making you breakfast
Me:Fine just stop saying "Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee"
I continue to make scrambled eggs and bacon,since it's baisically the only thing I could cook right now,Zack put bread in the toaster,I looked at the time and it was 6:54,Dang it! Time does fly fast
Me:Zack we need to go now
Zack:But breakfast
He was pointing to the plate of bacon,toast and scrambled eggs,I stuffed his face with scrambled eggs,I put bacon in his pockets and I stuffed toast down his pants,I grabbed my backpack,skateboard and helmet,I grabbed his hand a dragged him out of the house,I can't let him know my parents abuse me
Me:You had breakfast,ya happy?
Zack:You put toast down my pants,what do you think?!
Me:I think that you're satisfied,now let's go
I put my helmet on and skateboarded to school,Zack took the short cut I showed him,everytime we go to school together we always have a race and I won most of them,I got to the school before him,again,he walks up to me
I just smiled at him
Freddy:Well look what we have here,little ms.perfect and her wittle boyfriend
Me:What do you want Jones?
Freddy:Shut it shorty
I roll my eyes at him and he turns to Zack
Freddy:So you're Tomika's boyfriend huh? You can do better,you're hanging with the wrong crowd man,you should be with us
Freddy's crew:Yeah
Me:Just leave Jones
Freddy:you can't Can't tell me what to do
Freddy turns to Zack again
Freddy:So what do you say man? You in or you out?
Zack:Pass,I don't wanna hangout with guys like you
Freddy:What's that supposed to mean? Huh?!
Principal Mullins:What is going on here?!
She appeared outta nowhere
Zack:These guys are bullying Tomika!
Principal Mullins:Tomika,is this true?
Me:N-no mam'
Principal Mullins:Very well then,umm,Zack never tell lies again
And she walks away
Freddy:Good job shorty
He pushes me down,I'm pretty sure I broke my phone's screen,then he walks away,Zack puts his hand out to help me up and I take it
Zack:Why didn't you tell principal Mullins the truth?
Me:I have my reasons
Zack:What? What's you're reason?
Me: I'm not telling you
I start walking into the school building but he grabs my wrist and he spins me around looking at him straight in the eyes
Zack:Tomika....please tell can trust me Tomika,I'm you're friend
Me:Are you? Are you really? 

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