Chapter 1

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Hello, this a new story, I'm actually quite excited for this story, so if you like it, please vote, comment and give me feedback :) Thanks!

“How is it,” Katie Holloway looked over at her best friend, J.T., as he leaned against the locker next to hers, “that it hasn’t even been two months of school and yet you’re already flying in  and trying to be superwoman?” She smiled as she tucked her books away in her backpack.

“Helping someone out doesn’t make me superwoman,” she argued.

“It does when you take on the entire football team,” he countered, “Katie - you’re going to get into trouble someday in your quest to defend the weak.” She pursed her lips, shutting her locker as she turned to face him. He was looking down at her, arms crossed.

“I wouldn’t exactly call it my quest…” she said and he looked skeptical, “more like I won’t stand by while the tough take advantage of the weak,” she stated. “And besides, do you honestly think it’s alright to be a bystander?” He didn’t answer. “I didn’t think so.” He pressed a hand to his chest.

“I, of all people, have no complaints about you helping people out; it’s when the person you’re defending them from is a lot bigger and a whole hell of a lot more tougher than you are.” She scoffed.

“Ryan Kendricks and his friends aren’t that big.” 

“He’s almost six foot five.” J.T. shook his head, “the guys might not be the brightest bulbs but they make up for it on the football field.” Katie shrugged.

“I’m not afraid of them,” she grinned playfully, “and did you forget that I kick-boxed for almost ten years?” J.T. shot her a withering look at her teasing tone.

“How could I forget? But your last class was what, five years ago?” She sighed thoughtfully, looking up and blowing strands of dark brown hair out of her face.

“Abby is five, I stopped when she was born, so yeah, about five years.” J.T. stood beside her as she waited for her younger sister in front of her locker. He stuck his hands in his pockets.

“Do you miss it?” 

“Sometimes. Mostly when I’m upset- it used to help me blow off steam.” J.T.’s mouth tipped up in a half-smile.

“You were pretty good at it too,” he recalled, wincing as he remembered a particularly painful experience where she had asked him to be a target. She fought back a smile.

“I don’t know, it was just a hobby.” Katie’s fifteen year old sister, Erica, approached them. She squinted at them both, and Katie ruffled her dark hair when she was close enough.

“You forgot your glasses at home again,” she observed. Erica glared at her, reaching up to fix her hair.

“I can see that,” she replied, miffed.

“Aren’t people with glasses supposed to be smart?” J.T. teased, reaching over to knock her shoulder with his. Erica flushed with embarrassment.

“That’s just a stereotype,” she mumbled. J.T. grinned at her. Katie turned toward the stairs.

“Come on Erica, we have to pick up the rest of the Brady Bunch,” she said, before looking up at J.T.

“Are you working today?” J.T. shook his head. 

“No. I was just going to hang out with you.” Katie gave him a thumbs up.

“Cool, ‘cause I’m making mac and cheese.” 

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