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-God fucking dammit!- shouted Daniel as he was looking at his diving equipment. -Who in the 9 Circles of Hell even made a scratch on my goggles?-

-Chill out, chill out, it's not even a scratch, it's just the salsa that Delyan dipped his nachos in yesterday.- said safely and cautiously Darina. -Here, I'll wipe it off, since apparently I have to be the only one here who has everything in her hand... or well, pocket, in this case. -after she completed her sentence, she wiped off the salsa from the goggles. -Also Delyan, please be more careful. You know how much Daniel loves diving.-

Delyan stood up from the couch he was lying on, yawned and replied to Darina -Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I understand about that, but how can you stop the love between a man and his nachos? Do you have any idea of how much I love food?-

-Yes I do, Delyan. Yes, I do. Because we all know each other since the moment we were in the kindergarten!-

-Calm down. Both of you. It's 7 in the morning, can't we just go to the sea? It's calm, there's no wind at all, and most likely, there won't be a lot of people there. Plus we can check out if it's good for diving. At least for me.- answered calmly Daniel.

His companions looked at each other, and agreed with him. Everyone packed their beach "equipment". Towels, three umbrellas, and water, because everyone gets tired at one point in time, of course.

Even though the beach was a little bit far away- about 5 kilometers (about 3 miles), they still walked their way through. They know their way through, and all of the secret pathways that lead to there, so they can make their way even less tiring. They arrived at the Southern beach, which pretty much looked like this:

-It is perfect for diving! I fucking love this beach, it's always awesome and it's always perfect for diving! First let's set up our spot, and then we can do whatever we want!- said Daniel while they were setting up a spot

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-It is perfect for diving! I fucking love this beach, it's always awesome and it's always perfect for diving! First let's set up our spot, and then we can do whatever we want!- said Daniel while they were setting up a spot.- Well, except buy alcohol and drugs, of course.-

-I swear to God Daniel, is dark humor literally all of the humor you have?- mumbled Darina.

-Puns, don't forget the puns. Also you are a little bit of a hypocrite for saying that.-

-Yeah, I surely am. Even though I used sarcasm.-

-I'm going to the bar over there, anyone want something to drink or eat?- spoke up Delyan.

-I'd love me a frappe. Most likely same with Darina.-

Darina nodded, which meant "yes".

-Alright, I'm coming soon.-

After Delyan went to the bar to buy something, Daniel immediately went into the water and started swimming. He started off with swimming first, of course, the diving is the next step; you have to get comfortable with the water that is around you, after all. The talented diver starting searching for some seashells, as that is his secondary hobby. He found some, most of which were very beautiful, but then he started diving even further, to search for fish. His skills in swimming underwater are deadly, he could actually "outrun" someone underwater, and he is faster underwater than he is while running. Daniel can actually catch a fish with his bare hands, that is, if he even finds one, of course. But as he went deeper and deeper into the sea, the diver decided to head back, to save his loot for later. The late-teenager returned to the spot his companions had picked on the beach, and dropped the shells on his towel. He decided to rest a bit, so he lied on his towel just as Delyan was coming back, with 2 frappes, and three servings of Bulgarian grill- such as meatballs and blood sausage.

The food vacuum, as his friends called him, looked at Daniel and Darina and let out one of those awkward "What?". -Come on, we can eat that, you know you're hungry. We haven't even had breakfast. By the way Daniel, you better eat it now. I know you want to dive right now, but else it's gonna be cold if you decide to eat it after you dive. Plus, you have a frappe, which will synergize with that meal.-

-You are right, plus I need more energy for the diving. Especially if I see a fish which I can catch, hoo boy!-

Darina was just sitting there, and looking at some math and communication-related "stuff" on her phone. She took a bite of the meal every now and then, but she was too busy looking at her phone all the time.

Daniel, unfortunately, didn't find any fish. Who knows, maybe today just wasn't the day. Or they were at other depths? But at least, he got a lot of shells. As a child, he started collecting them. Just like every child born on a sea city. Even as mature as he seems, the child in him always lives.

As he came back from swimming, everyone had their dishes clean, and their glasses emptied. The diver came back tired, and immediately laid down on the towel, under the shadow of the umbrella.

-Guess you still did a good job, huh?- said Darina.

-I sure did, I collected about 20 shells, and I'm tired, so I surely must have done good. Thanks for telling me I did a good job, captain obvious!- replied ironically Daniel.

-Thanks a lot! It's a pleasure for me to help uninformed peasants!-

Delyan was just watching them from the distance, while serving out the dishes and glasses. He actually loves people arguing, especially when he has nachos or popcorn to watch the people arguing. He appeared in the last second, stopping the argument, since he wanted to go home now. His two friends also agreed with him, so they just went home by the shortcuts that they knew.

-You know what, it's really fun being a diver. Seeing the shadows of the huge waves underwater. Since a child, I've been dreaming for this. I know that this my biggest goal as a child.- Daniel said that as his companions looked at him with curiosity -I want to become a professional diver. A seaman. I want to explore new depths, I want to find new find new species of fish, of corals. I want to feel what it's like to see what it's really deep underwater.-

Darina screamed with her slightly high-pitched voice, freaking out. -This is it! My opportunity to help you and myself with this project! I can finally try out my different landscape communication system, and both yours and my dreams could come alive! We do need someone to resupply our air tanks and stuff like that, though...- she said while looking silently at Delyan.

-Hell yes! I can help somehow now except being the food vacuum.- replied Delyan- As the most resourceful person here, and I CAN help with my best friend achieving his childhood dream!-

-Thanks a lot, chaps! We can do this, I know it. All of our dreams will succeed... and thank you for always being along with me.-

-Well, if you mean dreams as in a tower made out of nachos...-



(Author's words: Yes, I know the last 4 dialect lines didn't include who said them, but come on now, it's obvious. Especially Delyan.)

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