Chapter 1:Promise To Myself

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"Finally we are here. London the most romantic place." she exclaimed with excitement.

Well she is my best friend Rachel. We both are transferred from America to London for work.

"OMG say something aren't you excited. We are in place where most romantic stuffs happens".

"Sure I am excited. Why wouldn't I be.I am 28,virgin and I don't have boyfriend like you. Yes I will probably be drinking in bar or be alone at home watching some rom-com or maybe I will stay with old women and cats". I scremed at her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. And you will find someone I believe. Your man is out there somewhere".She said by hugging me.

We took our bags from airport and went on our way.

The apartment was huge and well furnished. I opened the door and went out at balcony. Cool breeze started flowing.

I was taken back to my high school time.

"So do you like anybody?.Comon you are my friend you gotta have boyfriend like me. So tell me who is it?. " my one and only friend in high school Lisa asked.

She was always into boys. Always discussing about her boyfriend. That was annoying.

I had a crush on this guy. He was not so good looking but the stupid hormones made him look hot. Hormones at that age would have made me do anything. I wasn't scared of making any moves on him. I had added him on social networking account and he did follow back. When he used to like my pics I used to feel like cloud nine. I used to blush whenever he passed by.
He never approached me though. I always felt maybe he is shy kind of person.

I liked shy guys. Silent, deep, dark guys I liked emotional kind. But as the days went by I realised that he wasn't shy but he was avoiding me. He used to talk with other girls but not me.

And then I felt in love with another guy. He was shy and helpful so I had crush on him. Well that failed. He liked someone else and then he stopped talking to me and all the awkwardness. I knew he never liked me but he didn't even wanted me as a friend!!!!. I tried talking to him but he wouldn't response.

That day I realised that I won't fall in love with anyone. Love sucks and it always hurts. Heartbreak is serious injury which not only breaks your heart but also your soul.

So I promised myself that I would never allow any guy to enter in my life nor will I loose my virginity to guy who doesn't deserve me.

"Hey, you are smiling." Rachel smiled at me. She was staying in apartment next door.

"Yes I was thinking about my first crush and how stupid I was at that time".I was laughing and talking to her. But deep inside I still regret the promise I made to myself.

So i know it's short chapter.It's my new book for the new year. Kindly support with your comment and votes. Enjoy as in next chapter you will see Joshua entry......

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