Chapter One.

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Kellin bit his lip to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over. He didn't want to let the jocks see his tears as they left more bruises on his already bruised body. All Kellin wanted was for them to stop, for them to leave him alone for the rest of the day, but Kellin knew that wouldn't happen. Even when they did stop and he left the school at the end of the day, he would get the same fate at home.

"See you around, faggot." One of the jocks spat at Kellin, making the rest of them laugh. They said a few more things, promising to give him the same thing tomorrow, before leaving Kellin alone in the hallway; beaten and bruised. Not being able to keep the tears, or sobs, back any longer Kellin let them fall freely down his pale cheeks.

Through blurred eyes, Kellin slowly walked to the men's bathroom, wincing at the pain he felt. Once in the bathroom, Kellin glanced at himself in the mirror. Just the sight of his self, he wanted to throw up his lunch. His right eye was turning black and blue, his bottom lip busted and bleeding, and his nose bruised. Kellin lifted his plain white t-shirt, checking the damage done. The new bruises were forming over the ones his uncle had left, on his back and abdomen.

He was just about to grab some towels, to clean the blood from his face, when he heard someone enter the bathroom. Kellin's eyes widened in panic and backed into the wall, trying to find a way to escape. He didn't want another beating, which he knew would be coming sooner than later. Kellin's heart nearly stopped when he saw that the Mexican boy, that kept trying to talk to him, was the one who entered the bathroom.

Vic stared at the boy against the bathroom wall, his own eyes wide. At first, Vic had no clue who the boy was, until it dawned on him. Standing in front of him, broken and scared, was Kellin Quinn. It was the same boy he had been trying to talk to since he first saw him enter the classroom at the beginning of senior year.

"It's Kellin, right?" Vic asked, keeping his distance from the scared boy. Kellin nodded his head, his body still against the wall, not yet ready to trust the browned haired teen. Vic, not sure what to do or say, grabbed some towels.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Vic stated as he wet the towels with warm water. Kellin nodded again, although Vic couldn't see it. Kellin slowly relaxed and backed away from the wall a bit. Vic lifted his head from his task and stared at Kellin through the mirror. Kellin was looking down, not knowing if he should make a run for it or stay where he was.

Kellin sat down against the bathroom wall and brought his knees to his chest, trying to ignore the pain he felt with every movement. Kellin squeezed his eyes close, attempting to keep back a new round of tears, but failed. Tears fell from Kellin's closed eyes as his body began to shake with sobs.

Vic watched Kellin with sad eyes. He hated seeing such a beautiful boy in so much pain, and he couldn't do anything to help him. He walked towards the broken boy, kneeling in front of him. Vic took the wet towel in one hand and gently lifted Kellin's chin with his other hand.

Kellin's eyes snapped open in fright. He tried to back away from Vic's touch, but there was nowhere else he could go. "Hey. Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you." Vic tried to calm him. He lightly pressed the towel to Kellin's busted lip, making the younger boy wince in pain. Vic apologized as he continued to clean the dry blood from Kellin's face.

"Who did this to you, Kellin?" Vic questioned, wanting to know who hurt an innocent boy like Kellin. Kellin didn't answer; instead he looked down at his hands. Vic sighed, knowing he probably wouldn't get an answer out of him. He stood back up, throwing away the bloody towel and offered Kellin his hand.

Kellin eyed Vic's hand before taking it. Kellin was pulled up off the ground, making a sound of pain. "Did I hurt you?" Vic quickly asked, concerned that he had hurt the boy in front of him. Kellin shook his head, his black shoulder length hair falling in his eyes. "I...uh...have to get going." Kellin said quickly before he rushed out of the bathroom, leaving behind a confused and worried Vic.

Throughout the rest of the day, Vic didn't see Kellin anywhere. It was already 7th period, minutes before the finally bell rung. Vic's mind was working overtime, trying to figure out ways to help the boy he finally talked to. Vic was so caught up in his own thoughts that he hadn't heard the bell.

"Vic. Victor!" Someone snapped their fingers in Vic's face, gaining his attention. His brown eyes settled on his brother, Mike. "What?" Vic asked confused. Mike gave his brother a worried glance but shrugged it off, thinking it was nothing to worry about.

Mike and Vic made their way home, taking advantage of the warm weather. Vic had his hands shoved in his pockets, his mind still on Kellin. The image of Kellin all battered was wedged into his mind; failing to fade away.

The next few days went by rather slowly for Vic. There was no sign of Kellin anywhere. He had checked the bathroom every day, stopped by his locker, and even asked teachers if they had seen him. Nobody had seen the infamous Kellin Quinn. Vic was getting more and more worried as the days past. Days soon became two weeks and there was still no sign of Kellin.

By the end of the second week, Vic couldn't stand being in school. He couldn't be in school, knowing that Kellin wasn't there. Even if those two never talked, it gave Vic a sense of comfort knowing that Kellin was there. There was something about the shy boy that made Vic want to be his friend. He just wanted to help him, but it seemed like Kellin wasn't going to let him in.

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