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    "ELVALOR GET DOWN HERE!" I grumbled, "COMING!" I sat up in my bed and looked around my room, it was pottery grey with a red bedspread. I know, I know boyish but it's my style. I got up and walked to the vanity in the corner of my closest like room. My hair was knotted and greasy I brushed it and put it in a messy bun. "GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE KNOW, ELVALOR!!!" I ignored her and took my time in the shower that was covered in pink; due to my brat of a sister. She's 16 like me but I'm a foster teen that's stuck with these animals for my whole life.

   I walked down the stairs in an old red plaid shirt with natural ripped jeans. I entered the kitchen to see Bree (bitch of a sister) on the phone with her boyfriend. I rolled my eyes and reached for the bacon, instead of breakfast goodness I got a hard slap on the arm by my she-demon of a foster mother. I glared at her she stared right back. "Took your sweet ass time didn't you?!" She said in a bitchy voice. "And yet I was still faster than you." My voice was layered heavily in sarcasm my native tongue. She was taken aback I laughed.

  I left the house too catch the bus when my arm was gripped by a cold one. I was dragged back by a boy. "What the hell!" I demanded.
   He was tall ripped with black hair and black eyes. I put on my poker face and crossed my arms while he looked at me. His voice was low and surprisingly loud. "You have to come with me," he said I chuckled. Why would I go with a stranger to a place. He placed a hand on my arm, tightly. I didn't know what to do except kicking him were the sun doesn't shine. And I did. He grunted and fell, I took my chance and ran.

   I was 2 blocks away when a black shadow appeared in front of me. I stopped dead in my tracts while it lunged at me but I was quicker. It expected to grab hold of me but all it felt was air. I was running once again. When I noticed a real shadow on the paved road. I jolted around to see the shadow man but much much taller.

   The boy from earlier was on its other side, he had a silver sword at hand. I was backing up when a rumbling sound grew in the ground, a tree threw its self at the giant followed by a collection of big boulders being ripped out of the ground constantly. The boy looked at me wide eyed, why was he looking at me like that. I looked down to see a mountain of dirt and rocks bringing me higher into the sky.

   When all the earth under me flew towards the giant encasing him in dirt. He fell into the pavement with a boom until he started sinking till nothing was left even the ditches from boulders being ripped out stitched themselves up. No proof of anything. Until black.

Hey guy I know this is short but it's a Prolouge sooo....

oh and all rights go to Rick Riordan.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2016 ⏰

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