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July 7 1716


All my 300 years on earth, I have always wondered what it will be like to finally find her. My other half,be complete,to be made whole.For the past century,I have been looking for her.But I haven't found her,or perhaps she isn't born yet?My thoughts circulate.

Three hundred years on earth,I have seen other vampires finding their mate,shortly after they turn a hundred years.I am aging,and I am aging alone.People say the only thing we vampires have is time.It is true.But I still wish I can find her now.

They say when you find your other half,you become complete,you become whole.You feel perfect.

How long will I have to wait?!

July 10 1877


A hundered years on earth without my mate is pure torture!Its agony,and I don't know if I can survive for long.My entire body longs for him.To be finally whole.

September 1st 1990


Its been centuries,and I still haven't found her.I have searched far and wide.Been to every country,but I can't find her.Is she dead? No! I refuse to believe that.I will find her,even if it means searching,till the end of time.

November 3rd 1991


I feel paralyzed.My entire body aches for his touch,for his bite on my neck.For his kisses,the way they would feel on my skin.All am feeling now,is emotional pain. I had always knew that vampires feel no pain.But then again,what is this am feeling?The continuous ache on my chest,doesn't mean good.I feel my heart,breaking everyday,like its been torn apart,literally.

Humans have this belief, that vampires are cold-blooded killers,and that we deserve no happiness.The vampire-hunters are the worst.I wish the rumors were true,I wish I was cold-blooded,then I wouldn't have to feel this constant loneliness. I wish I knew exactly where he was.Too bad,wishes don't come true.How long can I endure this?

July 27 1999


Today,I have decided to settle down,and live life alone.I have lost all hope.There is no finding her.Perhaps the 'Fates' didn't create my mate.They decided to send me alone to this cruel world.

The suburbs of Ohio,is peaceful.But it doesn't calm my soul.The 'Fates' did this,they have decided,that I get to live alone for all eternity.

September 18 2016


Its been 17 years,since I've been in this peaceful environment.But it seems that the peace is playing mind games on me.I can't function well.I need her.But since I can't seem to find her,I have decided to do the only thing left:To Die!

September 18 2016


No!Please no!If I had known that,they were vampire hunters lurking around Ohio,I wouldn't have come.I had thought this place would be safe for me.Clearly,I was wrong.


The arrow flew right past my cheek,landing on the tree at my front.Using my full vampire speed,I run past the tall trees,trying to lose the three vampire-hunters,that are trying to kill me.

Once outside the forest,I see a cottage,with smoke coming out of the chimney.


Time Alone Will Tell {Completed}✔Where stories live. Discover now