Chapter One

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I glance around at the large manor in front of me. It's identical to the one that burnt down. I feel my body begin to tremble as I remember that horrid night.

I take a deep breath and push those thoughts to the side as I knock on the door. A few moments later, the door is answered by a tall, slim, and somewhat eerie butler.

"Good morning, young lady. How can I help you?" The butler asks as he looks down at me. It's as though he's analyzing me and my appearance.

I try my best to keep a flat expression but his aura is making it hard. He's a demon, a powerful one as well.

"I would like an audience with the young lord if he is not too busy." I finally say with a small smile on my lips.

"I don't think the young lord has time for any audience today. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused." The butler says as I narrow my eyes.

It's clear he doesn't trust me. Even with my similar appearance to Ciel I can tell he was able to figure me out as fast as I was able to tell he was a demon.

"I'm afraid I must insist," I said in a demanding tone. I can feel my patience slipping, but I take another deep breath to keep myself calm.

"Please notify the young lord that I wish to speak to him at his earliest convenience. I won't leave until then."

The butler's lip twitched for a moment, seeming almost irritated. Nevertheless, he bowed and spoke a short "Understood." before he stepped back and closed the door.

For several minutes, he was gone. However, he returned to the door and gave a deep bow. "The young lord is prepared to see you."

I smirk slightly at him as he stands back up. "Thank you very much." I finally say as the butler is trying to keep a smile on his face.

"Of course. I will lead you to his study, follow me." The butler turned on his heel, and we quickly made our way through the halls of the manor.

When we reached Ciel's study, the butler opened the door. Ciel was leaning back in his seat at the desk, tapping his fingers against the wood with a bored expression on his face.

Ciel lifted his head once the butler opened the door, his eyes widening slightly as he laid his eyes upon us.

"Charlotte?" he began to stand up from his desk chair, a look of confusion present in his eyes as well. "What are you doing here?"

An actual smile engulfs my face as I see Ciel. I quickly walk into the room and grab his face in my hands. "Oh my. You don't know how happy I am to see you." I gush glad that he's safe.

Ciel blinks at my sudden embrace, his expression softening. He lifts his hands to cover mine with them, a small smile tugging at his lips. "I thought you were dead." he murmured, clearly relieved to see me again.

"Yes." I sigh out. "We have a lot to discuss." I say as I let go of him. Ciel nodded in agreement and sat back down in his chair, his expression shifting to one of curiosity.

He gestured to the chair across from him, silently offering for me to take a seat as he waves Sebastian off.

Once the butler closes the door behind him, we are finally left alone with one another. Ciel leans forward in his chair, his expression filled with both confusion and curiosity.

"So... how are you alive?" he asks quietly. I begin to tap my fingers on my leg to calm my nerves. "I was able to escape out of an open window. I tried looking for you but didn't see you anywhere." I glance away as the memories resurface again.

Ciel's eyes widened as he listened to my account, a mix of shock and relief appearing in his expression, followed by a hint of sadness.

"It was so chaotic and smoky that I didn't even know that you made it out." He hesitated for a moment before continuing. "What happened after that? Where have you been?"

My leg begins to bounce up and down. I knew he'd ask this question if I came here to see him. I can't answer this question, not now at least.

Ciel observes my nervous demeanour carefully, noticing the way my leg was bouncing up and down. His forehead creases slightly as he raises an eyebrow.

"Charlotte? Is something wrong?" he asks, clearly concerned judging by the soft tone of his voice.

"Don't worry about me. I should be worrying about you. You're my little brother after all." I say forcing myself to smile. "How are you? What happened to you after the incident?"

Ciel's eyes flicker as he stares at me, his mouth opening and closing in hesitation. He knows I am dodging his question, but he doesn't push it further. He takes a deep breath before he answers my question.

"I am doing alright," he began, a hint of reluctance coloring his voice. "As for what happened to me, it was a lot but it doesn't matter."

It's clear we're both reluctant to talk about what happened that night and everything shortly after. I don't push it any further and change the topic. "I'm glad you're alright. I missed you dearly."

Ciel's lips twitch upwards into a soft smile. "I missed you as well, sister." He replied with sincerity. For a brief moment, his expression showed a hint of vulnerability, betraying the calm and collected facade that he typically wore.

We continue to talk with one another and catch up on anything we are comfortable talking about.

We must have been talking for a long time as his butler, Sebastian, comes into the room with a tea cart.

Sebastian pours us both a cup of tea, his eyes flickering over to me with a hint of curiosity before he sets the teapot back down. He gives us a polite bow before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

Ciel picks up his cup, sipping his tea as he glances over to me. "So, what brought you here after so long?" He inquired quietly.

"I finally came back to this area and heard your name in conversations. I wanted to see for myself if what I was hearing was true." I say as I take a sip of the tea as well.

Ciel's eyes widened slightly upon hearing my response, a hint of surprise flickering in his expression.

"So you heard about me in the gossip of the townsfolk, huh?" he asked with a hint of amusement. He takes another sip of tea before continuing. "What kind of things were they saying about me, I wonder?"

I smile at his reaction. "Nothing special. Just how you're the Queen's Guarddog and all of that." I saw waving my hand around dismissively.

Ciel rolled his eyes at the nickname that was bestowed upon him but chuckled lightly. "Ah, the title that everyone seems to love giving me," he mumbled under his breath.

"I suppose it's better than the Phantomhives being reduced to a mere tragedy," he continued, his tone darkening ever so slightly.

I stare at him sadly. I wish I was able to protect him more back then. I'll make up for it, he'll be safe from now on.

Ciel seems to realize the shift in his own demeanour before he clears his throat and resumes his usual, unreadable expression.

"Anyway," he began, changing the topic. "I am a bit surprised you came all the way over here just based on some mere gossip. I suppose my reputation does precede me."

"All the talk was making me jittery. I had to check it out for myself. And after seeing the manor repaired identically I was very pleased the gossip was true." I admit taking another sip of the tea.

A small smile appeared on Ciel's lips as he listened to my explanation. "I'm relieved to hear that you're pleased with the rebuilt manor," he mentioned as he set down his empty cup of tea.

He leans back in his chair, crossing his arms. "So, do you plan to remain around this area for a while?" he casually asked, his voice soft and curious.

"Yes, I'm planning to stay for quite some time." I replied with a smile. Ciel nodded in understanding, a hint of satisfaction within his gaze that I planned on sticking around for a while.

"That's good to hear. It'll be nice to finally be reunited after all these years," he responded, his tone conveying his sincerity.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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