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Lily Collins - Aria Michelson

     I looked down in the middle of a desolate place, mysterious circles engraved into the ground. It was late November as the leaves were no longer on the trees and a chill ran through the forest and up my spine. The full moon shredded light into the trees, making everything around us be illuminated by a soft, white light.
     Here the men I knew nothing of changed to the spirits of trees and air, heat and fire, cold and ice. I was warned about what they'd do to me while being locked up in a cage, being fed nothing but tasteless porridge in a wooded bowl. They remained chanting those mysterious Greek words, men around me walked forward with no expressions. They took hold of my arms, my rags being pulled away from my frail body. I was bare in the crisp, colder air.
     My hands reached to cover up parts I wanted no man to see, but the men took a belt made cut from the skin of a wolf and wrapped it around my tiny waist. Soon enough, after seconds of recollection to my humiliated emotions, I inhaled never before smelled fumes; the men once again touched my body, only to rub ointment all over me. I was oblivious as to what was coming next, but not oblivious enough to remember what I was to become after this night was over.
     Then the man from my left released me and in evil intent, drew two more circles into the ground using an iron sword. Burning pine filled the air as a fire was made right in front of me, a cauldron was placed atop the blazing fire. And what went into that cauldron was poppy seeds, aloe, henbane, hemlock, parsley, an extract of night shade, and asafetida. He mixed until he stopped and read aloud, "Elect of all devilish host, I pray you send hither the great grey shape that makes men shiver. Come! Come! Come!" The wind rustled the leaves, sounds of evil coming from nature.
     I was forced to breath in the fumes that came from the cauldron, it made my mind swirl with emotions, until I felt mentally ready for the changes that were about to occur. My legs wobble until I feel a force push me to the ground in a stance that looked as though I was pleading. I was to implore the spirit of the unknown for the next stage.
     I felt my abdomen twist and turn, my bones crack until I see claws form from underneath my knuckles. My legs shrivel and my arms do the same, I feel the changes occur faster than they actually were. My eyes become sharper in the night, black fur grew from my pores and I felt as though my humanity was lost into the beast I have become.
     My hearing darts to the man once more as he shouts again, "Melt the bullet, blunt the knife, rot the cudgel, strike fear into man, beast and reptile so they may not seize the black wolf, nor tear him from his hide. My word is firm, firmer than sleep or the strength of heroes. And in that moment my neck was taken and wrapped into a leather band. A collar.
     Without knowing it, this anger fled from deep within as I leaped forward into the pitch blackness, leaving behind the men who turned me into something I'm not. Something I didn't even know existed.

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